Chapter 12: She told the truth and nothing but the truth

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Chapter 12

“Are you sure you want to go to this party… with Cyrus?” Christy asked as she stared at me warily. I nodded.

“That is done and over with, Chris- besides; you’ll be there if anything goes wrong. I’m not getting drunk tonight.” I said, sighing.

“Okay…” She said, nodding slowly. Christy doesn’t like parties much, neither do I, it’s just… I just need to get out of the house. Besides, if Christy can’t go- I’m not going; whether Cyrus is there or not. Riley already cancelled out on hanging out with us because he’s already made plans to hang out with Leila and then it’ll be awkward and my excuse wouldn’t pull through.

“Let’s get ready.” Christy said, her smile reappearing as she examined my closet.


“Let’s get going!” Christy said, stomping her heels. I groaned, turning towards her and walking over in my converse. Yeah, who say’s heels are necessary to have a good time? I wore them once, almost broke my ankle twice. Been there, done that, don’t want to go back. We slipped into the car as Christy started the engine, nearly racing to the party that we were ‘late’ to. She’s only complaining because Warner will be left waiting for two stinking minutes!

“Let’s go!” She demanded while grabbing my arm in a death grip as she high tailed across the semi crowded lawn. I trailed behind her glancing at the people getting out of their expensive looking cars. I saw Warner sitting on a couch, leaning away from a touchy blond who looked like she’s already wasted. When he saw Christy, he darted up making the blond fall onto his spot on the couch. She curled into a ball and proceeded to sleep.

“You’re finally here!” Warner said, relief trailing through his voice.

“This one-“ Include rude nod towards me. “-demanded she spend more time on her makeup to impress Cyrus.” She said, adding an inappropriate loved up voice impression of me.

“It wasn’t for Cyrus.” I hissed, growling angrily. She shrugged it off while Warner looked amused.

“Well I think you two look beautiful.” He said, smiling kindly.

I assumed the compliment was directed more towards Christy because his eyes were locked with hers; but I shrugged it off. He was her man.

I decided to look around for mine, I mean, Cyrus. I caught sight of Miranda who saw me glaring and smiled sickly sweet at me. Her dark blue dress that came to her upper thigh made me cringe at the obvious thoughts it gave guys. ‘Easy’ was one of many. The stilettos on her feet made her stand taller than me. She was dancing with her cronies who also gave off many disgusting impressions on the surrounding guys.

I continued glancing around before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Who ya looking for? Mr. Right? Because I’m right here.” He said smoothly. I turned towards the privacy invader.

“I’m Damien, you can call me Dame.” He said, holding out a hand. I shrugged it off and scoffed at him. He wasn’t my type. He screamed ‘evil and manipulative.’ He probably used his looks to get what he wants from girls and then ends up beating them with a rusty nail filled stick.

“What? You’re too good for a handshake?” He asked, slowly lowering his hand. I rolled my eyes at him before returning back to my search.

“Is there another guy?” He asked, standing too closely beside me. I turned to look at him with the most annoyed look that I could muster. Couldn’t he take a hint?

“A group of guys?” He asked, amused. I scowled and continued ignoring him. I hope I’m better at ignoring people than Cyrus says.

“A gang of guys? Whoa, I’ve never imagined you to be that type of girl.” He said, sighing. He doesn’t even know me!

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