Chapter 10: Digging holes for your fake boobs

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Chapter 10

I sat nervously in the period before lunch. Class was being let out in 2 minutes and my leg was shaking faster than Usain Bolt. I glanced back at Christy who gave me a sympathetic look. I turned forward and glanced at the clock. The bell had finally rang, sending me bolting out of my seat along with the rest of my impatient classmates. I was the first out of the door.

I slowly walked to the lunch room, trying to waste as much time as possible. I arrived at the full cafeteria and stood in the doorway, scanning for the table. As soon as it came into view, I groaned. It was all the way in the back, making me have to walk past every other table to get there. I walked to the lunch line and paid for the slice of pizza, can of Pepsi and bag of Cheetos before beginning my miserable walk towards the back of the lunch room.

People gave me weird glances as I bypassed their tables, with my usual calm yet blank expression slapped on my face. When I finally reached the table, Cyrus looked up from his food and gave me a crooked grin. I sat down across from him, hearing the whispers erupt as soon as my bottom hit the chair. I placed my head in my hands when I heard him chuckle. Honestly, his happiness kind of made it worth it.

“You’re not serious about this, right?” I questioned.

“As serious as Chuck Norris.” He said, smirking.

“But…” I started.

“But what? Afraid of what people will say?” He voiced. I shook my head.

“No, it’s just... I don’t know.” I shrugged. Truth was, he’d hit the nail right on the head. And me sitting here with Cyrus, Miranda’s crush, wasn’t going to dull the fire between me and her.

“Don’t worry about what they say. Think about it, in 10 years- will those things still affect you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, but in 10 seconds they will.” I replied, looking up to see Miranda walking over, more like ‘strutting’ over to the table that me and Cyrus were currently occupying. She took the empty seat beside Cyrus. If the seats weren’t cemented to the ground, she probably would’ve slid it beside him. By the look in her eyes, she could probably rip it out of the cement.

"Hey Cyrus; I see you’re finally letting people sit with you... or should I say dogs?” She said, leaning closer to him. He looked at her and then looked at me, a playful look in his eyes.

“Hello Marissa.” I waved, spending some time remembering her name.

"It’s Miranda.” She spat, eyes venomous when she glared at me. Her eyes softened when she looked back to Cyrus.

“My name is Miranda, honey.” She said. Honey? If anything, Cyrus was death… in a hot human body. He raised his eyebrows when he looked at her again. She grinned at him, flaunting her glowing smile.

“So how are you today, Cyrus?” She asked, smiling even wider at him. He just spooned pasta into his mouth. I wanted to snort.

“Cyrus, what class do you have next?” I questioned, leaning back in my chair before he responded.

“I have P.E.” He said, catching on to what I was doing.

Cyrus.” Miranda said, pouting. He just continued ignoring her.

“He only talks to men.” She replied again, glaring at me.

“Then why isn’t he talking to you?” I asked, feigning confusion.

“I’m pretty sure that I am a woman, I’ve seen my parts.” She said, sticking her nose up.

“I’m pretty sure that 90% of the male student body has, too.” I replied. Her face reddened in anger. Cyrus snorted, nearly spitting out his pasta. He tried to muffle it with a cough, but failed terribly.

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