Chapter 13: Sloppy pizza makes everything better

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Chapter 13

“I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.” I repeated as Christy walked around my room with her hands clenched into fists. I sobbed into my pillow; my eyes now dry as Christy sighed, then unclenched her fists as she looked at me with a sad smile covering her lips. I wanted to sob even more because that smile meant it’s over. Cyrus and I, whatever we had- if we even had anything, was over. It was gone. Because of Miranda and him. What if what she said was true? What if they were secretly dating and Cyrus was just stringing me along?

“You should get home…” I said, sniffling as I sat up. She shook her head no.

“No, I’m not leaving.” She said, cracking her knuckles once more.

“Why not?” I asked. I just wanted to be alone.

“Because I’ll just drive to that party and snap his neck like a Popsicle stick and Miranda… oh Miranda. She wouldn’t even feel the pain I’d inflict on her, I’d just rip her teeth out one by one, breaking every individual bone in her body as she screams for mercy.” Christy explained as I stared at her wide eyed. Maybe’s it’s best if she stays here; for everyone’s safety. Not that I’d mind them getting hurt; not after they’ve hurt me. I felt my heart pang in my chest as the images of them kissing flashed in my mind.

__ Flashback __

“You’re interrupting something, obviously.” Miranda spat as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and Cyrus laid his head in the crook of her neck. I just stood there, silent. She shot me one last glare before Cyrus yanked her head back to his face, kissing her as if he hadn’t kissed anyone in a hundred years. I felt my heart squeeze in my chest, why? I had no idea. I didn’t like him… did I?

__ Flashback End __

“You okay?” Christy’s familiar voice brought me back to my normal state.

“Just fine.” I lied, trying to smile but I’d probably looked constipated.

“You should get to sleep, it’s 2.” Christy yawned, blinking tiredly. I nodded, my eye lids felt heavy as I blinked back more tears. My eyes shut as I drifted off to sleep.


I stretched my arms, cracking them in the process. They felt stiff and I didn’t like it one bit. I rubbed my eyes as I looked around, the alarm clock coming into my vision. 10:28 A.M. I groaned loudly as I realized that I slept in.

“Morning!” Christy chirped, making me jump nearly 2 feet in the air. I scowled before nodding my head in acknowledgement. She frowned, holding out a bowl and glass. I looked at her suspiciously, still not fully woken up.

“Take it!” She encouraged as I slowly reached for the bowl. She shoved it into my hand, nearly spilling whatever the contents were, all over my sheet. I smiled widely when I realized what it was.

"It’s your favorite; vanilla cream of wheat and Strawberry Citrus juice!” Christy said, smiling as I spooned the cream of wheat into my mouth.

“Amazing!” I droned, taking another spoonful.

“So… how are you taking it?” She asked, settling onto my bed, her legs crossed. I noticed she was dressed before I took in her words. How was I taking it? Taking wha- oh. I shut my eyes tight, rubbing my forehead.

“I’m fine, like I said before.” I said, smiling while tears brimmed my eyes. Christy obviously saw this before she patted my arm enthusiastically.

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