38. Body Language

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Charlie's POV

"Wait up!" Ryan called from behind me.

I felt so embarrassed.

I know it's impossible, unless Ace is a psychic, but it felt as if he knew exactly what I was daydreaming about. Him.

It's ridiculous, right?

"You okay?" Ryan asked, placing his hand on my arm, as if he were concerned. "Did Ace say something?"

"No." I assured him.

"I saw him whispering to you, then you got angry. What did he say?"

"Nothing." I continued walking.

"I'll kick his ass." Ryan seethed.

I turned to face him, grasping the sleeve of his shirt to hold him in place. "Ryan, it's fine. He didn't say anything bad."

He exhaled. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I paused in my tracks and turned to face him. "School?"

He gestured to his car.

"I'm fine with walking, you can go back inside if you want."

He took a few big steps and blocked my way. "Nonsense. Come on, let's go for a drive." He winked.

I smiled, following him to his vehicle.

I hopped into the passenger side.

"Are you excited?" Ryan asked, checking for traffic before he started the vehicle and eased out of the parking space.

"For school? I guess." I clicked my seatbelt in.

"No, silly. I'm talking about your birthday."

"Oh, right." I gave it a thought.

I've always loved my birthdays. It's the one day of the year that's all about me, and only me, sometimes.

I couldn't say that Ella inviting the entire school to my birthday didn't tick me off, because it did. Im surprised my parents even agreed to let me throw a party.

To answer Ryan's question: I was not excited about my birthday.

"Yeah, it's exciting." I lied.

Ryan took a turn down a street that was in opposite direction of school.

"You're going the wrong way." I stated.

"We're taking a detour." He smiled.

"We're going to be late!"

"We are not! School doesn't technically start for another forty minutes."

"Are you kidnapping me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes." He answered sarcastically.

I laughed as he pulled into an empty parking lot. "This is the drop-off point." He smirked, slowly leaning towards me.

I met him halfway, allowing our lips to come into collision. The kiss was nice, soft and slow.

I pulled away by an inch. "We better not miss homeroom." I warned him.

His lips slightly brushed against mine as he spoke. "Don't worry, we won't."


"I had an idea of what we could do for our science project thing." Ace said.

I dropped my pen and turned to look at him, a surprised look on my face.

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