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All I ever wanted was an apology.

To hear, "I'm sorry. I fucked up. I know I hurt you."

That's all.

I have apologized so many times - for my mistakes, my actions, my heart, my soul and anything I could feel guilty for. I'm exhausted.

Here's another:
I'm sorry. For the mistakes I made. The ways I hurt you even if I never intended to. For the scars I left behind that I never meant to make. For not recognizing your pain and entrapment sooner. For not listening enough. For not giving more time where I could. I'm sorry. For everything.

What I'm not sorry for - is how I truly feel. For expressing how I felt on a time of deep pain and emotional turmoil. For doing everything I knew how to try and fix things. For reaching out when I felt I needed to. For loving you the best I could. For giving you all that I could. For trying my best to improve myself for the better. For pointing out the pain you've caused. For writing what I wrote - because it's how I felt.

And I shouldn't have to feel guilty for it.

I am sorry. Don't forget.

And I am also not sorry for being alive.

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