The first time seek seen a cat

434 14 43

Seek - doing work

Stray cat - meow

Seek - looks at the cat at the door

Stray cat  - meow

Seek - opens the door

Stray cat - meow

Seek - picks up the cat

Stray cat - happy meows

Seek - looks around

Stray cat - meowing

Seek - takes the cat to the bathroom

Stray cat - ?

Seek - tries to wash the cat

Stray cat  - sad meows 

Seek - morphs into a cat

Stray cat - happy meows

Seek - hops in the tub with the stray cat  

Stray cat - sits down

Seek - turns water on so its warm

Stray cat - meow

Seek - turns water off

Stray cat - ?

Seek - lays on back

Stray cat - copies

Seek - gets out of tub

Stray cat - Follows Seek 

Seek - dries the stray cat  

Stray cat - happy meows 

Seek - goes to the kitchen 

Stray cat - follows

Seek - grabs a chicken leg

Stray cat - meow?

Seek - picks meat off of chicken leg 

Stray cat - meow

Seek - feeds the cat

Stray cat - happy

Seek - your my pet now

(this was seeks first time morphing into a cat

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