Seek, Rush, And Ambush

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Ambush - lets play hide n seek

Rush - it no fun with just 2 people

Ambush - true

Rush - what if we asked Seek?

Ambush - Get idea 

Rush - Hey Seek wanna play Hide n Seek

Seek - ...

Rush - ?

Seek - sure

Rush - *runs back to ambush* he said yes!

Seek - can I be the seeker?

Ambush - sure

Seek - 1.. 2.. 3..

Ambush + Rush - runs and hides

Seek - 7.. 8.. 9..

Ambush - you ready Rush?

Rush - Yea.. Why??

Ambush - cuz we just asked the best seeker to play hide n seek and he's the seeker

Rush - oof

Seek - ready or NOT here I come!

Ambush - 🤫

Rush - 👍🏽

Seek - humming a tune

Rush - 😰 (They heard Seek's footsteps getting closer and closer till it stopped)

Ambush - 😨

Seek - oh where are youuu

Rush + Ambush - panicking

Seek - Found you Rush now for your brother (Seek takes Hide n seek very seriously same with hide)

Ambush - shaking in fear

Seek - Found you Ambush 

and Rush and Ambush was too scared to ask Seek to ever play hide n seek ever again

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