Chapter 7

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Issei appeared inside his house with Tiamat and Zest, the 2 girls could clearly see he was not happy.

"I trusted them, I trusted them with my life. Yet they chose to hide something so important from me". Issei snapped growling as his dragon eyes flashed. "I would have put a end to that damn marriage the second I was strong enough to beat Riser". Issei continued as he walked back and forward.

"Issei, I can tell your upset, and what they did was wrong. But do you think they didn't tell you cause they also didn't want it to affect your relationship with Rias and everyone else"? Tiamat asked and Issei just listened.

"I agreed with Tiamat lord Issei, I have know her sense we where all children. She would have not kept it from you if she did not have a good reason. In the end she never should have hidden the situation". Zest told Issei who sighed and sat down on his couch and sighed.

"I don't have the energy for this, but then again we have know each other almost are hole life". Issei told himself.

"I know your mad Issei, but I also know you love Rias. More then just best friends. Like zest and Tiamat said. What they did was wrong that's not a question. Think about it from her point of view. Do you really wanna let your anger be the reason the girl you love if given to a man who won't care for her at all"? Ddraig asked Issei who thought for a second as everyone waited for his response.

"Your right Ddraig, I am upset she didn't tell me same with Sirzechs and the rest. I won't allow her to be married to Riser. He won't care about her at all not in the ways she needs". Issei told them as he yawned. "I am gonna go lay down and get some rest". Issei told the girls as he went upstairs and went to bed, the girls joined soon after.

"Remember Issei this is your choice, Rias's future is in your hands. Literally in your hands so chose wisely". Ddraig told Issei in his mind who nodded his head.

"I am gonna make sure the marriage is broken but I am still upset". Issei told the dragon who nodded his head as the 2 finally went to bed in there own minds.

In the underworld
Rias was getting ready for the wedding with the help of some maids. She was in a beautiful white dress, but you could see she was not happy.

"Ahh Rias, my love you look amazing." Turing around they saw a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Lord Riser, you can't see lady Rias, it's bad luck." A maid told him and he chuckled.

"It's just a quick look nothing more ladies please return to what you where doing, I will see you later my love." Riser said and walked out.

"Please help me." She thought and the maids saw her finished her makeup and with that they continue to get her ready while her peerage did the same thing.

Rias and Riser engagement party.

"Stupid human to challenge my brother, he won't show." Revel the sister of Riser said to herself but everyone heard her.

"She's......nice." Akeno told a handsome blond hair male.

"Yes she is quite the gentle soul." Kiba, told the thunder queen as they all saw Riser walk up to the stand to speak.

"Good evening everyone, today is a important day in the devil world today we bring together 2 powerful blood lines together, now allow me to introduce my beautiful bride Rias Gremory." Riser said and a crimson flashed appeared and everyone saw her in a dress.

"She is beautiful." One of the women said as they all called her beautiful and the men only nodded.

"Now let's get this show on the road." Riser said as Rias walked up to stand aside Riser as the devil Priest stood ready to wed the 2.

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