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"Oh Adeline, take me home. Walk me through the barren streets I used to roam." Adelin by John-Robert

The older March sisters waltzed inside their home, reeling from the evening they spent

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The older March sisters waltzed inside their home, reeling from the evening they spent. Meg was fawning over how kind and handsome John was to her, while Beth watched from her spot playing with her dolls. Adeline noticed that Amy was deathly quiet as Jo ran upstairs, and she remembered what was about to happen next. 

"Beth, what's your favourite eye colour?" Meg sighed, plopping next to the girl. 


"Well, Mr. Brooke has blue eyes and an old soul, which is much more important than money," Meg was in her own world while Jo ran down the stairs in a panic. 

"Has anyone taken my novel?" Jo asked carefully while looking at each of the four girls. Meg's brow furrowed and Beth looked concerned. Addy placed a hand on her head, preparing herself. 

Jo's eyes trailed to Amy, who did not speak up but rather focused more intently on her book. 

"Amy... you've got it," Jo stated, taking a couple of steps closer. 

"No, I haven't," she said nonchalantly. 

"That's a lie!" Jo suddenly screamed, grabbing Amy by her shoulders. The young girl screamed back.

"It isn't! I don't know where it is and I don't care!" she yelled, anger in her own eyes that match her sisters. 

"Jo, calm down-" Addy was shoved away by Jo as she stood Amy up. 

"Tell me where it is or I'll make you," the fire in Jo's eyes was visible and it began to scare Addy as Meg also stepped in. 

"Jo, Amy, stop-" Meg gasped as Jo lunged at Amy, taking her to the floor and beginning to fight her- a real fight. Not a play fight like they always did. 

"I BURNT IT UP! I BURNT UP YOUR BOOK! I TOLD YOU I'D MAKE YOU PAY AND I DID!" Amy cried louder than Addy had ever heard, causing the girl to call for Marmee and desperately try to pull the girls apart while they yanked at each other. 

"You wicked girl! You wicked, wicked girl! I can never write it again! I will never forgive you as long as I live!" Jo shrieked as Marmee arrived, pulling their young women off of each other. 

After the chaos quieted, all that could be heard were the sobs of Jo and the hushed chastizing of Marmee. Amy perch on a stool in front of Jo, but not too close to avoid another scene. Jo was on the bed, being cradled by Beth while Meg held her hand. Adeline sat between the two of them, finding it hard to find sympathy for either of them. 

"I'm sorry Jo," Amy mumbled hopefully, looking up at her sister who refused to look at her. Marmee patted her shoulder, encouraging the young girl to carry on. 

"It's just that the only thing you care about is your writing so it's not as if I could hurt you by ruining one of your dresses. And I really did want to hurt you. I am most sorry for it now," Amy cried out quickly, tears welling in her own eyes. Addy's eyes narrowed at the floor, unbelieving that Amy would ever do that to her sister. 

"Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Forgive her. Help each other, and tomorrow you can begin again," Marmee encouraged, walking closer to Jo. 

"She doesn't deserve my forgiveness! I will hate her! I will hate her forever," Jo mumbled, running out of the room as Amy choked out a sob. Addy stood abruptly, all the women in the room were shocked at her actions as she stormed out. She got outside, watching as Jo ran across the field and into Laurie's house. 

Of course. 

She began walking furiously through the dark woods, angry that her sisters were so horrible to each other. Addy heard a noise behind her and saw Marmee walking up to her, a sorry look in her eyes. 

"Oh my sweet Addy, what is the matter?" Marmee asked, placing her arms around her as she cried silently. 

"I cannot believe how vicious those girls can be! Amy was horrible for what she did to Jo, but you should have seen her, Marmee! Jo was awful to Amy when she was asking to go to the theatre with us. She holds so much anger in her heart, it scares me!" Adeline cried out, allowing her feelings to vent. 

"Oh, Addy. You really do care for your sisters, and you hold so many brave emotions and feelings. I understand your frustration. I love those girls, but they can drive me mad as well," Marmee laugh as Addy chuckled through her tears. The two sat there hugging for a while before Marmee let go gently. 

"I'm going to return to Amy. Do you want to join me?" She asked. Addy shook her head, needing another minute alone before returning to the house. Marmee nodded in understanding, walking back to their house that was close by. 

Adeline sighed, walking through the trees, enjoying the feeling of the beams of light from the moon dancing across her face. She heard a snap of a branch beside her and whipped around, scared that she had encountered a wild beast. 


"Teddy," Adeline breathed, shocked as to why he was here. Did Jo not go to him for comfort? 

"Del," Laurie walked quickly to her, holding her in a hug. She accepted it, feeling more tears brimming in her eyes. 

"What's the matter? What can I do?" He cried, horrified to see the girl so distraught. He wanted nothing more than to fix it. 

"I just- aren't you with Jo? Did she not go to your house?" She asked, pulling back to look him in the eyes. The moon beamed against his face beautifully. 

"Well, she did. She then started getting all upset and angry and started yelling at me, so I told her she should take a minute alone. She is in the library reading. I saw you run into the forest when she arrived," his eyes softened as he watched the tears trickle down her face. He wiped a couple of them away. 

"My sisters... they are so horrid to each other. It breaks my heart to watch them tear each other apart. Why can they not be kind to each other?" Her voice broke as she finished her sentence, causing Laurie to pull her close again. When she was done sobbing, he pulled away again and look at the girl he adored. 

"Adeline, you have such a beautiful heart for peace and kindness. I adore that about you. I know it can cause great pain, but I hope you never lose that part of you. You are so special, Del," Laurie mumbled, hugging the girl again. She revelled in his presence, enjoying the feeling. Once she had calmed enough, she took a step back, separating them and causing a cold empty feeling in her heart. 

"You need to comfort Jo. She needs you," Addy nodded, wiping the remaining tears and taking a deep breath, sacrificing her own needs for the love between Laurie and Jo that she knew was there. 


"Laurie, go. I am alright. She needs some gentle comfort too," Addy smiled, grabbing his hand and holding it tight for a second before dropping it and walking back in the direction of the house. 

Laurie watched after her, longing to scream out that he did not care for Jo's needs at the moment, all he cared for was her. But he knew that would not end well. 

Adeline made her way into the house, gave Marmee, Meg, Beth, and Amy a kiss, and climbed into her bed. She put out the gas lamp in the room, snuggling into the covers and dreaming of a time when she was back at home before Laurie was ever in her life. 

But this is not real life. She is in a movie. She wonders if she makes it to the ending if she will return home. This is her last thought as she wanders off to sleep. 

AN: I love how Addy is like "I can get Laurie and Jo together" but then refuses to see that hER AND LAURIE ARE PERFECT

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