Chapter 19- Locked In

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 19- Locked In

I woke up the next morning, unable to detach myself from Alec's side. The more I tried to push myself away the closer he seemed to hold me. I finally broke away, though I had to stop for a moment to remember where my clothes had gone a process the actions of the previous night. I redressed, taking possession of Alec's shirt and slipping it on as I padded to my kitchen to make some much needed coffee. I was surprised to find James nursing a cup of the sweet nectar. His eyes caught mine and my face turned red as I remembered what had happened between us last night, but then my brow furrowed as I remembered his disappearance.

"Where did you go last night?"

"I got a call from the club and had to leave to handle the situation, though I am sure Alec managed to handle the situation here on his own just fine"

And then he winked at me, causing my face to flush a deep red once again. I turned my head down as I felt it heat up, lifting it only when I could smell a cup of coffee about a foot in front of me.

"I made it just the way you like it, absolutely no sugar or any of that other girly stuff."

"Thank you, though I am wondering why you came back here after spending the night at your club."

"For two reasons, actually. One, I am Alec's ride home, and he would be pissed if I left him here, though I don't think he would be bored; And two, how could I miss seeing you like this?"

His eyes trailed up and down my figure, causing me to pull down on the hem of the shirt without even thinking, I was still slightly uncomfortable whenever he looked at me like that, as if I was some tall glass of water on a hot day or something. James chuckled at my reaction, walking back to his perch at my bar while I stayed where I was, leaning on the kitchen counter and seriously considering what sort of mess I had gotten myself into with these two brothers.

Alec walked into the kitchen while I was contemplating a topic which seemed to be as complex as the meaning of life. I couldn't help but notice that he was shirtless.

"Hey, I couldn't seem to find my shirt in the..."

His eyes, very much like his brothers trailed up my figure as well

"Never mind, I definitely think I like it better on you, though I would like it even better if it were on the floor..."

Alec's comment toward me caused me to recall all of our... erhmm... activities last night. We sat it silence, each of us glancing up at each other, unsure of what to do next.

I placed my cup in the sink, stubbing my toe on the floor board and stumbling backwards. James grabbed my waist, helping me regain my balance. He backed me up toward the counter, placing his hands on either side of me and trapping me between his hard chest and the cold granite. He lowered his head, using his nose to trace the outline of my collarbone. His breath tickled the skin on my chest, I could feel it through the shirt, and it was making me anxious. I brought his chin up, meeting his lips with mine, because as long as I was in this situation, I might as well try to have some fun. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was suddenly ripped from James' grasp, in the arms of another. Alec crashed his lips in to mine, all the while backing me up through my hallway and into my bedroom. I reached one of my hands out, allowing my fingertips to lightly trace the wall as I was lead through hall. I broke away when we reached the door to my bedroom, a smile on my face.

"As much fun as I am sure it would be to continue on from here, I would like to shower on my own. And if anyone tries to pick my lock, there will be hell to pay."

James had now caught up to me and Alec, and he and his brother exchanged half smiles. I shook my head and left them, making sure the door was safely locked behind me. I listened closely the whole time I showered, though I was surprised I didn't even hear them try and wiggle the door knob. I dried off and dressed quickly, running a brush through my wet hair and throwing it into a knot on top of my head. Went I went to open the door I finally found out why they hadn't been trying to get in, they had decided to lock me in instead. At first I allowed my anger to take over, rattling the knob and door against it's frame. When I finally calmed down I could hear the roar of laughter coming from the other side of the door. I sat down on the cool tiles, leaning my head on the door and waiting for the boys to give up there little game. Sensing my surrender, one of them knocked on the door, breaking my train of thought.

"Flora, we will open this door if you agree to our conditions. One, we are going to take you out tonight and you are not going to argue with us about it. Two, I want you to come to my club tomorrow night, maybe even in that corset again. I would like even better to help you out of it again as well. And Three, no more trying to exclude me and Alec from fun situations."

I hardly had to consider anything they had said, I would have agreed to it before they had locked me in here.

"I don't know, you might have to work a little harder than just locking me in here to get me to agree."

"We're not letting you out until you say yes."

"Fine, I surrender. Will you two just let me out now."

I heard shuffling from the other side of the door, and then it opened, James' face greeting me with a sly smile. I wrapped my towel around my body tighter, frowning at him and his brother.

"And to think I was going to invite the two of you to join me. Oh well."

James' face fell and he punched Alec in the shoulder.

"Man, come on. Why did you convince me to do that."

I ignored them, shaking my hips a little as I walked past them. I wasn't really going to invite them in, but that doesn't mean I won't rub it in their faces now. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, preceded by matching undergarments, though after the stunt the boys played today I highly doubt they will be seeing them. Both boys followed me out of my bedroom and into the living room, not saying anything as they sat with me on the couch. Alec was the first to speak, facing me as he did.

"Flora, we really are sorry. It was just supposed to be a joke..."

"Alec, it's fine. I was joking, it's fun to watch the two of you squirm."

Both brothers looked at each other before James said

"And now we are going to make you squirm."

They attacked me, assaulting my stomach and sides with their fingers. I squirmed and thrashed, unable to get away from them. Tears ran from my eyes as I laughed, though neither of the boys seemed as though they were going to give up soon. Every time I attempted to get away from on of them the other would gain access, putting me in a similar position yet again.

They eventually stopped, James just tracing light circles on my stomach, exposed from the struggle and Alec playing with a strand of my hair, wrapping it around his fingers until he would run out and unwind it, starting over again. I don't know how long we laid there, and it didn't matter. We were all content, I loved being around them, the two guys made me feel strong, strong enough to handle the feelings they made me feel. And I hope they are sensitive enough to my feeling to realize I would do anything for them.

A/N- Hello my lovely lovely readers! I know, it seemed as though I dropped off the face of the earth. I'm back, and full of inspiration! I tried to make this chapter longer so as to make up for not posting for what seemed like a year. I had a four day trip to Canada, which was a blast, but on the last day I felt like I had the flu super bad. Couple days later I still feel horrible and my forehead and eye swell up to the point that I could not open my left eye, and after two CT scans the doctors tell me I have bacterial Meningitis and a wicked Sinus Infection. And then I got to spend a week in the hospital. I left the hospital a week and a half ago and now I am mostly healed up. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I promise not to be this late next time. Tell me what you think- Vote, Comment, Fan

P.S.- I want to thank all of you who wished me luck on my exams, I did fairly well! I even managed to get an A- on my Algebra II exam, if that's not magic I don't know what is. I don't normally listen to rap music, but right now I feel like popping some tags

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