Chapter 22- Mother's Day

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You Will Call Me Master 

Chapter 22- Mother's Day

        The ride was silent, though it was the form of silence I had learned to love when I was with my boys. We just sat, James driving and Alec beside me in the backseat, his hand resting mindlessly on my thigh, lost in our own thoughts and yet still together. For the first part of the drive I had been way too concerned by what their mother would say about the entire arrangement, but I let that thought go, knowing that no matter what she said we would still be together when we left her house.

        I could hear James let out a sigh of nervousness as we pulled down her driveway, not to mention Alec's hand tense from where it was sitting on my thigh. I realized they were both just as nervous, if not more, than I was. We all got of the car, the boys standing on either side of me as we walked toward the door. James casually put his arm around my waist on one side and Alec took hold of my hand on the other. With them on either side of me I felt like nothing could hurt me, they would protect me from anything that may come my way.

        James left the three of us to walk the few feet to the door, knocking and backing up to return to my side. The woman who answered the door looked nothing like I had been expecting. I had been preparing myself to see a thin, proper woman, someone you would expect to see attending afternoon tea with her garden club. Instead we were greeted by a warm, loving looking woman. She had a round face with a welcoming smile upon it. She motioned for us to come in, leading us into a sitting area.

        The three of us sat together on one side of the room, her sitting opposite us. She was the first to speak, her voice sounded of warmth and love for her boys,

        "Hello sweetie, I'm the boys' mother, Carrie Ann. You can just call me Carrie for short, or mom, which ever you like."

         "I'm Flora, and I am so glad to finally meet you!"

        "I'm glad the three of you were able to work it out. For a while there I was worried you were going to lose each other. I hope you are hungry, I'm making Chicken Caesar Salad."

         "So you knew three of us were... together?"

        "Of course! James told me about it after he spent that first night with you. He called me and said 'I think I may have just found the girl I am going to love'. After that he went on to explain he wasn't the first of my sons to have feelings for that same girl. I was mostly surprised, they never were good at sharing when they were growing up, they always ended up breaking whatever they were fighting over. I'm glad they didn't break you."

        She looked content as she saw both of her sons smiling and getting along. She didn't care how they got there, she just wanted her sons to be happy with themselves and with each other.

        "I'm glad too. Would you like some help with lunch?"

        "Oh no, why don't you let the boys give you a tour of the house. You should have just enough time before it will be time to eat. And boys, you remember the rules, right?"

        They both sighed, looking at the floor nervously before Carrie Ann laughed and walked into the kitchen.

         "What does she mean by that?"

        My question was innocent, but I knew it must have been something embarrassing for them to respond like they did. It was Alec who responded his face a shade of pink,

        "When we were in high school our mother made a rule that we weren't allowed being girls here and... you know at the house. It seems she thinks we would try something like that now..."

        James butt in, wrapping his arms around my waist,

        "... But I would much rather save it for later, when I know we won't be interrupted. Now what do you say to taking a tour. I'm sure you've been dying to see where all of this"

        He gestured to his body,

        "Could have possibly come from."

        I laughed at him, letting him lead me up the stairs and down a hallway that seemed to stretch on for quite a ways. He finally stopped, opening the door in front him.

        "When I moved out I cleared out most of my things, but this basically what my room looked like when I lived here."

        He had a handful of sports teams' banners on the wall, side by side with posters of women in bikinis and motorcycles.  It honestly looked like the room of an average boy, his only priorities seemed to be girls and sports.  I motioned toward one of the posters of the girls, questioning him.

        "And why didn't you take this with you when you moved out?"

        "Simple, I knew I would find someone like you, someone real."

        Everything after that went almost perfectly.  Lunch was delicious, and I knew as we ate and spoke that I had found the place where I belonged.  Now all that was left for me to do is decide what I wanted to do with these boys for the rest of my life


It's over!  I hope you guys love reading it as much as I have loved writing it!


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