Chapter 21- How Could It Be Better?

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 21- How Could It Be Better?

I woke up to find neither of the boys with me, instead I was greeted by a delicious smell wafting from the kitchen. I slowly got out of bed, stretching my stiff muscles as I went. I was about to walk out the door when I realized I was completely naked. As much as I was sure the boys would enjoy my lack of attire, at the same time I wanted to eat breakfast without them trying to interrupt it. I went into his closet, finding the small stash of personal items I had stocked there and grabbed a pair of panties, pulling one if his collared shirts off its hanger and putting that on as well.

I walked out of the room, only to be met with a shirtless James. At first he looked surprised to see me awake, but his surprise left as quickly as it came when he could help but look me up and down, his hands reaching out and wrapping around my waist. He spoke into my collarbone, his voice tickling the delicate skin,

"I was just coming to wake you up. Together me and Alec have been trying to make you breakfast, though if you aren't hungry I'm sure we can find something else to do."

He let his hands travel down to the point that they were cupping my bottom as he spoke. His words were followed by a light nip at my neck as he pulled away, letting his eyes meet mine. I backed away from his grasp, a playful smile on my face.

"You never seem to stop do you? How about you let me relax a little after waking up. Why don't we go eat breakfast and then see what else we want to do after I've eaten."

"That's the problem, we have to leave in an hour and I was hoping we could just skip breakfast and get right to the fun part. But, I guess we can go eat, it does smell pretty good. Lets get back in there before Alec burns something."

James picked me up, easily throwing me over his shoulder and giving me a wonderful view of his rear.

"James, let me walk on my own!!"

"I thought you said you wanted to relax."

I laughed and relaxed a little, allowing him to carry me the rest of the way. It was the little things like buckling my seatbelt for me and waking up before me to make my breakfast that really made me love these two boys.

James set me down at the table, letting his hand linger on my hips just a second longer than they needed to.


Alec greeted me when James backed away, standing next to his brother by the stove. As they stood there I began I see the subtle characteristics they had in common; the way they both crinkled their noses as they smiled or how they both had stunningly dark blue eyes. I broke the silence by getting out of my seat, walking over and opening the refrigerator, grabbing the carton of orange juice. I had to walk by both of the brothers to grab a glass, making sure to put a little extra swing in my hips as I went. I could feel their eyes on me as I carried my glass of orange juice in one hand and replaced the carton in the fridge with the other.

"James mentioned we were going to do something after breakfast. What is it?"

I asked the boys after I sat down, taking a sip of my juice as I waited for them to respond. Alec was the first to answer,

"James and I both feel that the three of us have gotten so close and we would like to take our relationship one step further. We would like for you to meet our mother."

They both looked at me, waiting for me to respond. Overall, I wasn't completely shocked. They had brought up their mother before and I had been half expecting them to introduce me to her. But at the same time I felt extremely happy. These boys felt like I was the kind of girl I could take home to their mother, and that made my heart swell a little more for the two of them.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now