Chapter 12- 'Always My Love'

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 12- 'Always My Love'

I woke up, a searing pain running down the length of my back reassuring me that last night's events did not belong to a dream. I pulled my hands apart, expecting to find them bound with hand cuffs, but relieved when they separated easily, free of any restraints. I pulled myself to a sitting position, the skin down my back and thighs feeling as though I was slicing it open as I stretched my skin. I stood up, slowly walking over to the corner of the room where all of my clothing was. I carefully slipped on my shirt and pants, not worrying about my bra. I could hear Alec in the shower as I carefully contemplated what I was going to do. Luckily I had my phone in my pocket, and after heavy consideration I dialed James' number, keeping my voice level as I talked to him.

"James, hi, it's Flora. I was hoping you could pick me up from Alec's house."

"Sure, when do you need me?"

"Right now would be great"

There was a pause, scaring me that he had hung up.

"Flora, is something wrong? Did Alec do something to you?"

"James, come on. You know Alec would never hurt me, he is just busy and I don't want to impose on him. "

"Okay, I'll see you in fifteen minutes"

After the conversation I felt so relieved, making my way out of the house as quietly as I could. As I was walking out the front door I heard the shower shut off. I quickly shut the door behind me, sitting on the steps to his house for less than a minute when James came down the driveway. In that moment I was glad Alec had had the common sense not to hit me anywhere James could see. When James got out of the car his eyes got wide, staring at my right cheek. I then realized that I had completely forgotten about Alec's blow to my face, distracted by my other injuries. He rushed toward me, capturing my face in between his hands. I backed up from him, escaping from his hold. I walked around him, desperate to get in the car and be as far away from Alec as possible. James followed suit, starting the car and backing up the driveway. I struggled to find a position that was comfortable, and every time I moved the pain just got worse. The drive was quiet, James tried to talk to me but I ignored him, staring out the window the entire drive until he pulled up in front of my house. I got out carefully, trying to avoid the lashes on my back, expecting him to drive away. Instead he got out as well, following me through my front door and into my house.

"Do you mind if I hang out with you for a while?"

"Not at all, as long as you wait here while I change."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before, but fine. I'm even going to make you some early lunch."

I pointed him toward the kitchen while I went into my room to figure out what I was going to do about my back. I slowly took off my shirt, having my back face the door. I was terrified as I heard my door open and James say my name.

"Hey Flora, I was going to make you lunch but....... Oh my god. Did Alec do this to you? Why didn't you stop him? Why did you tell him that it was too much?"

He ran toward me, lightly putting his hands on my shoulders, unsure what to do. I breathed in and out, not allowing myself to break down in front of him.

"I'm going to go get antibiotic cream from my bathroom and then I'm going to need you to help me with it. Can you do that for me?"

My words were slow, as if I was talking to a child. His eyes were wide, his mind not quite sure what to make of my situation. As I asked the question he nodded his head up and down, rapidly enough I was afraid he was going to be dizzy. He removed his hands from my shoulders when I walked away from him, finding my antibiotic cream and my Q-tips, bring both back to him. He stared at the items in my hands before shaking his head no.

"You can't do that, not when there could still be dirt in your lashes, you need to clean them dirt with soap and water. I can wait here while you do that and then help you with the cream as you asked."

"Can you help me wash them? I'm just afraid of hurting myself. Normally Alec takes care of all this..."

James practically growled at me, saying,

"Don't say his name around me right now, I can't handle it. I need to be fully focused on taking care of you right now."

He followed me into the bathroom, turning on the water as I stripped out of the clothing I had left on. When turned around to face my back he groaned, saying,

"Why the hell did he go so low? He could have seriously hurt you..."

I stopped him by placing my hand on his wrist as I climbed into the tub. He took the soap off of my shelf, lathering it with a wash cloth. He slowly began washing my back, starting at the top, making his way down in small circles. Though it hurt, I didn't make a single noise, wanting it to be over with. When he finished with my back he had me stand up, giving him accessibility to both my thighs and lower back. As he was working he attempted to make small talk.

"I did try to make you lunch, but everything in your cabinets is...weird"

I laughed at him, though my chuckle was cut off when he wiped over a lash that had broken open through the course of my day so far.

"Just because none of my food comes in a box doesn't mean it's weird. I can help you make something after this."

He helped me step out of the bathtub and toweled dried my body carefully, treating me as if I was a delicate flower. As we were along out of the bathroom I grabbed both the antibiotic cream and some Q-tips, handing them to him. He took them and slowly began to apply the cream to my back, one lash at a time. He would stop every time I would suck in a breath from behind my clenched teeth. The ones that had broken through my movement today hurt the most, though I knew it was the ones that didn't break that I really needed to worry about. He was almost done with my back, traveling down to my upper thighs. When he was done he helped me slip into a large t-shirt and a pair of loose cotton pants. When we got to the kitchen he opened up my refrigerator, staring at it's contents as if they were poisonous.

"Grab the jelly out of there."

I grabbed the peanut butter from the cupboard, deciding a peanut butter and jelly would suffice. I got the bread out as well, watching him as he made the sandwiches. He handed me mine, watching me as I took a bite.

"Technically, you the one that should be making me a sandwich, woman."

"Say that again and I will kick you out of my house."

I was joking, but I kept my serious face on as he sat confused, not sure what to do. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst out laughing, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

He spent the whole day with me, watching scary movies with me and laughing at all of the parts that made me bury my face in his chest in fear. He made me forget about everything, an I loved it.

He stayed until around 8, and he tucked me in for an early night before he left to go to work. As he walked out I whispered

"Thank you"

And I think I heard him whisper back

"Always, anything for you love"


New chapter! Enjoy!

My prayers go out to everyone effected by the shooting in Newtown. It's is so devastating that something like this had to happen.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now