Chapter 15

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Something warm was touching me. Pressing up against my lips to be more specific. It spread a low, smoldering heat through my entire body that travelled from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. I felt fleeting sensations of nerves tingling in my belly as the pressure increased. The intensity of the flame inside me grew, but it wasn’t unpleasant or uncomfortable. If anything, it left me feeling thirsty with various shades of desire. I felt the unmistakable urge to slam my weight against the force and match the passion with a fevered one of my own. To intertwine myself with whatever was sending the dangerously satisfying tingles down the ridge of my spine. I wanted to kiss back what was kissing me.

I fought against the depressing weight of my dream, focusing entirely on removing the black from my vision. Bit by bit, the dark chunks fell off, leaving gaping holes in its thick veil. I tried to concentrate on the tanned colour filling my eyes, but was at a loss as to what the soft hue was a part of. The remaining murky spots left my vision blurry and unfocused. I blinked, removing the last tattered remains of my sleep from my eyes. Only then did I finally realize what was in front of me.

He was the epitome of a cherub – one that had been spending time outside in the sun. His eyelids were closed, purpled with lack of sleep. Dark, luscious eyelashes sprouted from his smooth lids and rested delicately on his cheekbones. His creamy skin was flushed with tinges of light pink that spread down his sharply angled jaw. He looked perfectly blissful. But, out of all the beautiful features filling my vision, the best were the familiar thin lips that I couldn’t see - as they were pressed against mine.

He blinked, revealing ice blue eyes that widened when they met mine. He ripped away from my arms and hastily detangled himself from our tight embrace. The distance still growing between us, he backed away from me, trembling in fear.

“S-sorry,” he stuttered as his knees shook violently, “I went t-too far. I should’ve n-never put y-you in that p-position. It was wrong of m-me.”

I took in the sight of Louis’ shaking frame, which appeared to have shrunken half a foot. He was half-curled into a ball, pressed into the furthest corner of the hotel room away from me, quivering as tremors rattled his vulnerable figure. He looked so small, so frightened of my reaction. A lopsided smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as a brief thought crossed my mind. I began to walk towards him.

He pressed himself tighter into the corner with every stride I took towards his cowering form. I must have looked like a mental patient, with a ridiculously wide smile plastered on my face, but the motives of my actions were ones I had fought to restrain for so long. There was no one here to interrupt, and I was taking full advantage of the situation. And thus, my grin grew, as I thought of what was going to take place in mere seconds. I took another step.

He smelt lovely up close; the enticing combination of musk, mint, and Louis rolled up into one savory scent. My nose twitched appreciatively as I inhaled. I placed my hands on top of his, my long, thin fingers overlapping his short ones. He looked at me curiously, the fear slowly ebbing away from his glistening blue eyes. My hands slid up lethargically to encase his wrists, and then continued their slow ascent up towards the crook of his elbows. My fingers skimmed over his thick biceps, stopping to pinch one playfully, before resting them on his broad shoulders. He cracked a smile, staring at me with an indescribable emotion I couldn’t read. I resisted the strong urge to smile back, and instead bit down, hard, on my bottom lip. My hands traced the veins on his neck, feeling his shudders from my trailing fingers as I reached up to cup his jaw gingerly.

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