Chapter 2

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Gathering up Harry’s I phone in my shaking hands, I bolt out of hotel room, barely managing to grab my cellular device and room card on the way. I slam the heavy oak door shut and begin a mad dash down the hall towards one of the many available metallic lifts at the end of the corridor.

I barrel down the hall, slipping scarcely past the maids that have cluttered up the corridor with their cleaning supply carts. When I reach the elevators, I bang on the down button so forcefully I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter from my finger’s impact. I press on it again, repeatedly pushing the button down.

When the lift doesn’t arrive within ten seconds of desperately pushing the button, I make a snap decision. I bustle over to the emergency exit stairs and rip open the door in a powerful manner. With the steps flying past my feet, I make my way down the stairs at a furious pace.

Fifteen levels later, at the bottom of the staircase, I push the doors open and burst out into the chilly spring air. Although goose bumps rise on my arms from the lack of clothing – I only have a thin striped t-shirt on – I don’t care. I continue running like a crazy person down the sidewalk.

As I’m tearing down the side of the road, I start to think of the consequences that could happen if someone sees me. I don’t have a sweater, nor any sunglasses to cover up the fact that I’m from the popular boy band One Direction. I peek out of the corner of my eyesight at the pedestrians casually walking down the footpath. They’re mostly a cluster of business people, but who knows, a fan could be in their midst. I was lucky enough to go out the back way were none of the patiently waiting girls are camped outside the hotel entrance. As much as I love and cherish our fans, I need to find Harry before I’ll sign any autographs or take any pictures.

Suddenly a squeal rises above any of the hushed murmurs the pedestrians make.

“Oh my God! It’s Louis Tomlinson!”

“Sh*t!” I swear under my breath and sprint faster down the pavement.

I whip my head around to face a growing crowd of teenage females chasing me down the sidewalk. I give them a half-smile and a quick wave before turning my head back around. But instead of the sidewalk stretching before me, I’m met with someone’s green t-shirt as I collide with them.


Pulling up my sunglasses to rest them on my beanie that’s currently restraining my wild curls, I stroll casually down the footpath, gym bag in hand.

After the terrifying daydream – or should I say day mare – I had ran until my mind was completely blank. Cardio workouts did the one thing that muscular ones couldn’t – clear my brain of any unwanted thoughts.

I walk slowly down the sidewalk, turning my head from side to side, glancing at the business men and women that swarm the path like a bevy of bees. I wonder what my life would’ve turned out to be if I hadn’t been lucky enough with my success in One Direction.

I study the pedestrians, noting how stress is present in all their eyes. Maybe I could’ve turned out to be like one of them, my face lined with worry and my lips turned downwards in a permanent scowl. I could’ve been deprived of the luxuries I am blessed to have, making a life for myself instead of letting my singing do the work.

Shouts and squeals ring out from ahead of me, and a commotion begins to break loose. Immediately, my hand snaps up to pull my sunglasses over my eyes – shielding everyone’s view of my bright green orbs. I stop in my tracks, almost making a businessman topple over.

“Sorry sir!” I apologize to the older man.

He only shoots me a glare and continues briskly walking while typing furiously on his blackberry.

“At least I had the decency to say sorry,” I grumble underneath my breath.

Returning my attention to the screaming girls, I brainstorm possible escape routes. If there was only a crowd of about 15 girls, I wouldn’t mind as much. But without a bodyguard and the way the cluster of fans are multiplying, things could get dangerously out of hand.

I’m about to make a run for it and duck into the alley a couple of paces away when I see Louis barreling down the street, the swarm of fans hot on his heels. I roll my eyes; only Louis would be able to make that many girls chase after him. Louis twists his head around to face the girls and gives them a brief wave, before sprinting even faster.

A middle-aged man sporting a green shirt and an unzipped grey raincoat has his head buried in his phone and doesn’t seem to notice Louis running flat out; right in his path.

They collide, Louis bouncing off his round beer belly and the man is thrown off balance – obviously startled. The fans gasp and make a mad dash for Louis, hollering questions at him; asking if he was okay.

Without even thinking, I run over to Louis and the man, quickly grasping Louis’ wrist tightly with my hands. I pull him up, using the muscles in my arms. Louis looks at me, his stunning blue eyes filled with confusion.

“Sorry sir!” I apologize once again. I turn to Louis “Come on! Let’s get out of here!” I shout-whisper.

Louis nods his dazedly in agreement, obviously only paying half attention to what I’m saying.

“Louis are you even hearing a word I’m saying?!” I yell above the girls getting increasingly closer.

I shoot a quick glance over my shoulder at the fans, which are less then 100 meters away. Turning my head back around to look at Louis, I grab his wrist once again and begin pulling. Louis seems to snap out of his daydream and notices me trying to drag him to safety. Sliding his hand up from my grip on his wrist, he encloses his palm around mine, all the while grinning devilishly. A tingle runs down my spine as his fingers lace with mine.

“Let’s give them something to talk about huh?” Louis suggests, pointedly glancing at our intertwined hands.

My eyes enlarge in surprise and for a second, I forget how to breathe. I barely manage to nod my head slightly up and down in response. Wait a minute. I shouldn’t be getting flustered around Louis?! He’s my best mate; holding hands should mean nothing!

But I can’t help but admit that his warm hand in mine feels right – something I haven’t felt since the nightmares started.

Author's Note

Hello there reader! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the story so far...let me know if you'd like me to improve anything! Also, if there's some kind of grammar mistake, please let me know! I tend to miss alot of things after writing for a while - as my head is in a fog of ideas - so feel free to point any of my grammar mistakes out :) Thanks for reading - I appreciate it! Chapter 3 will be up hopefully in the next two days!!


LarryisEdtastic :)

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