Chapter 8

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"Louis? Harry?! What's going on?"

  We spring apart from our extremely close proximity to each other as if an electric shock has run through both of our bodies. My face floods with red and my limbs untangle themselves from the intricate mess of our embrace. I shuffle awkwardly away from Louis, my heart galloping at a feverish pace. He casually leans against the wall that I had just pushed him against in avidity seconds ago and sighs as if such events never took place. I shove a hand into my thick curls as the door to the secret corridor swings open, revealing a confused looking Niall holding a half eaten cookie. Crumbs fall down onto the patterned carpet below from his slowly chewing lips and his eyebrows are raised in a mixture of perplexity and anticipation. His eyes flick back and forth between me standing timidly on one side with my cheeks flushed in exertion, to Louis panting against the wall on the other, making the connection to the obvious answer that hangs in the air unspoken. I break out in a nervous sweat from his piercing blue eyes boring into the side of my head, as I'm refusing to look anywhere but at him. My mouth is exceptionally dry and I feel as if I haven't dranken in days. I draw in a shaky breath and pull my gaze slightly upwards from its resting point trained on my converse.  

  Just as I'm opening my mouth to explain, to conjure up some kind of bizarre explanation or excuse as to why the situation looks the way it does, my words fall short from the beaming smile that's planted itself on Niall's face. I sneak a glance at Louis' blase expression, but I see right through his cool-as-ice demeanor. From the way his pupils dilate when Niall's lips turn upwards and the slight twitch of a muscle in his cheek as he continues to smile, give away his true emotions. I focus on Niall now, taking in the joy that threatens to burst through his very seams. His mouth creates a large "O" of excitement and it pulls open and closed like a goldfish chewing.  

  "Niall, just spit it out already lad!" Louis blurts out in exasperation, breaking the tense excitement that crowds the small hallway.  

  "They were...they were right?" Niall asks in a confused daze, his eyes sparkling.  

  "Well, um..." I push a few stray curls out of my eyes "Uh...yeah? I suppose so?" I squint at the ground in an attempt to divert any more of the awkwardness that's rippling through my emotions like a wave.    

  "Oh my...these fans, these...these fans never lie, do they?"  

  Louis bows his head, mimicking mine. "No Niall, I don't believe they often try to lie to us..." Louis explains, his voice resembling one of humbleness and apologetic tones.  

  Niall shuts his eyes in content, his fluttering lids covering the sky blue orbs that shine with exuberance. His lips move slightly as if he's muttering another language to himself, foreign to everyone else but himself. Muffled sounds escape his mouth and sound as hushed tones, their meaning to quiet for me to understand. I take a step forward, the lines scrunching up on my forehead in confusion.  

  "Come again?"  

  Niall's eyes open once again and immediately lock with mine in an disoriented gaze.  

  "Niall. I didn't understand. What were you just saying?" I ask nervously again for clarity, worried that he would suddenly explode with fury. After all, what Louis and I had just experienced was an event of...well, homosexuality. Although we didn't do anything to prove a valid statement, the way that my heart beat wildly like a horse galloping at a furious pace when he was close to me said something completely different. And I was deathly afraid, terrified even, that Niall would jump to conclusions and disapprove of what we might of done, given the chance to be alone for a second longer. I was worried that he wouldn't accept us anymore - for what looked like happened.  

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