Chapter 6

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The sandwich smashes into my face, spraying its contents all down my striped t-shirt like someone had upchucked BLT. I squint and protect my eyes as tomato splatters liquid as he shoves his half-eaten lunch harder into my frowning expression.

Great, just great. I can hear the lads chuckling, Harry’s most prominent among the laughter. The smell of mayonnaise drifts up from the half-eaten sandwich that had clung onto the fabric of my shirt, making my nostrils twitch at the strong scent. Wiping my nose, I dislodge pieces of lettuce scattered on my face; all the while glaring at the snickering boy with curly hair.

His striking green eyes are scrunched up in amusement, shining with a slight coat of moisture from his laughing fit. Up close, those eyes were mesmerizing. They had held me in some sort of tranquil state, slowing down the rush of my life that buzzed around me for once. It was almost like he had hypnotized me with those shimmering emerald orbs. Okay, hold on a second. I was getting stunned by my best mate’s eyes. That’s just bizarre, not to mention extremely creepy. I mean, they were kind of beautiful, being that marvelous green colour and all…what am I even thinking?

“Snap out of it Louis!” I scold myself, murmuring underneath my breath. My hand twitched, ready to slap my face if needed.

Silence fills the restaurant, replacing the giggling that was taking place just moments before. The only sounds were the occasional clink of utensils against plates and the hushed conversation of the older couple hunched over in the back corner. I look up from the mess on my top, meeting the gaze of the lads. Scanning my eyes over their barely contained poker faces, I cock a brow upwards disbelievingly.

“Really Harry, really?” I fold my arms over my chest, glaring at the curly haired boy accusingly.

“Really Louis, really?” He mocks my annoyed tone, a smirk planted firmly on his smug face.

I roll my eyes and wipe the remains of his lunch off of me and reach for a napkin placed on the table to the left. I clean my hands, removing the leftover mayo from my sticky hands.

“I believe it was your intention to squish the sandwich into my face first,” Harry accuses, looking from left to right at the other lads as if to get their opinion. Niall and Zayn nod while Liam gives me a half-hearted shrug in apology.

“A lot of tossers you are,” I mutter bitterly and narrow my eyes at the sheepish boys standing before me. This was extremely unfair! If Harry didn’t have to come so close to me with his unnaturally stunning eyes, I wouldn’t be in this situation. A pit forms in my stomach as I think back to the position we were in, our noses brushing against one another’s as my heart beat wildly out of control. Curse these maddening feelings too. All these thoughts of Harry’s eyes being beautiful or wanting to run my hands through his curly hair were driving me insane. They were wrong, all wrong. I only get those kind of nervous butterflies around girls. And I’m most certainly not gay. I’ve never even considered that question, let alone thought it. For Christ’s sake – I have a girlfriend!

Resurfacing from my thoughts, I glance back at Harry’s still smirking face and scowl back at him. I open my mouth to retort something - to make a smart comment - but a brunette steps in between us, interrupting our view of each other.

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