15 Fierce Fate

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Part 15 Fierce Fate

Arnav was staring at his mother's crying form. Rishab came out of the room and touched Ratna's feet.

"Thank you Ratnaji... You are nothing but a God for me... I promise. I will make Arnav the principal of the school I recently bought"

"I'm not doing this in your favor, Kapoorji"

"I know... but from here on, Arnav is one of the authentic hires of my property"

Ratna looked at Arnav who was lifelessly moving away from the place. Ratna rushed behind him to their house.

"Chotte... please forgive me... I had no choice"

Arnav gazed at her and said nothing.

"Chotte, talk to me... tell me, something. please understand. How could I let Kapoorji die who helped us to stand?"

"You don't want to let him die. So, you let me DIE..." Arnav said sorely.

"How could you say that, Chotte?"

"Then what could I say? You have literally killed me a few minutes ago. Just now I said what I want... Did I ever ask you anything?"

"I didn't deny... I agreed to your wish"

"But, buried it under your feet"

"What does that mean Chotte? Do you want me to let him die? This is what your gratitude is. This is how I brought you up?"

"You brought up me nicely that's why I can't ditch Khushi. That's why I'm shivering to leave her... I trusted you. I thought you are the only one who understands me to the core but you deceived me..."

"Does the girl become more important to you than me that you ignoring the fact, Chotte?"

"Until now, I never thought she is more important to me but now, she became more important to me than YOU because she gives more importance to my feelings than you"

"If she understands you well than me, she understands the situation too. Make her understand"

"How? I'm not going to keep my word? I'm not going to marry you? I'm going to marry a girl on my mother's words?"

"Chotte, first, you try to understand the situation. Kapoorji is the only reason for who you are now. because of him, you studied. Because of him, you are in this position"

"Haaann... because of him, I'm in this bloody position... because of him, my life is going to demolish... because of him, I'm going to die every second"

He paused.

"I wish he would not have made me study. Then, I would not have gotten the chance of meeting MY Khushi... Then, I would not have gotten the pain of giving up on her... then, I would have saved from addressing as a cheater... Khushi would have saved from undergoing the killer pain"

Ratna was staring at him with pooled-up eyes.

"What do you think, will she move on in her life happily, forgetting me? She won't... she won't forget me. she couldn't... she won't live without me..."

"CHANGE is the only PERMANENT here, Chotte. TIME heals any wound. I agree she will be broken down but she will be alright as time passed"

"Oh, really?" there was a pain on his face.

Ratna cupped his face.

"Trust me, Chotte. At first, it would be hard for both of you. You guys will forget one another in the upcoming days as your NEW life will make you forget the old story"

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