17 Arnav was upset

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Part 17 Arnav was upset

Arnav stood, drowning in Khushi's smile. Khushi went crossing him, flashing a smile at him. Arnav was unable to conclude anything. He was clearly failing to understand her smile. He stared at her retreating figure with bewilderment.


Arnav came to the assembly and stood facing the pupil. His eyes rooted on Khushi to confirm her state of mind. He could definitely say, she cooled down her anger for him. Though she didn't smile like how she smiled a few minutes ago her face carried a smile full gesture.

Arnav could not tolerate her smile which was a sign of her FORGIVENESS. He didn't want to be forgiven because, until she was angry with him, she would be thinking of him... At least, she would be scolding him in her mind. But, if Khushi had FORGAVE him, she would FORGET him. She won't think of him. Slowly, she would wipe the memories of their sweet days from her heart. That mere thought of being forgotten by Khushi killed him literally. First of all, he had not even gotten out of the grief that she was not in his life. He was satisfied, at least, he was there in her mind, in the form of anger. From here on, it won't happen. He won't be in her memories anymore. That squeezed his heart.

But, his question was, what made her change all of a sudden? Did Fatima say anything to her? No way... Then, what was the reason for Khushi's sudden smile? She might have found out something in his house.

Why doubt? No harm in asking Fatima about it. He called his house landline. The phone was engaged. Fatima was talking with Manju.

"Is it, Manju?"

"Yes, I saw Khushi smiling at Arnav..."

"Yaah, Allah..."

"It seems your effort gets its value"

"I just want Arnav bituwa to be peaceful. That's what I want"

"Your wish came true. I saw an unbelievable stare on Arnav's face. He must be happy because he is forgiven"


"Ok, I have to go... We will talk later"

"Ok, bye"

They disconnected the call. The very next second, the landline rang again. Fatima attended it. Before she asked anything,

"This is Arnav speaking," Arnav said.

"Tell me, Arnav bituwa"

"Did you say anything to Khushi?" Arnav asked which brought a smile to Fatima's face.

"I said you won't come home. Then only she asked Khushi, the teacher, to take her to their house"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"I'm not talking about baby Khushi but her teacher"

"Oh... I said the same to her"

"Anything else?"

"Why? Any problem?"

"I just... Did you tell her about me?"

"What's there to tell her about you? She is our baby's teacher... She just came to our house to drop Khushi"

Arnav curled his fingers into fists. He didn't know what happened. He disconnected the call. Yes, Fatima won't spill the beans to anyone. He knew her. And, she definitely won't have been, because Khushi was his school teacher. He knew how cautious Fatima was in HIS matter. Then, what made Khushi smile at him? Till yesterday, she was so reluctant towards him. She didn't even greet him when he went to her house on her birthday. Then why today?

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