24 Aman alias Suman

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Part 24 Aman alias Suman

In the meanwhile,

Sheetal was fuming like hell. No one ever avoided her in her life so far. Arnav was the first and only man who didn't give heed to her. How could a man ignore her when she looked so sexy? If he could not be get controlled this way, then how could he be controlled? What was his weakness?

Sheetal dialed Shyam. He attended it.

"Hi, Sheetal..."

"Where the hell were you yesterday?"

Shyam was stuck. Was not he busy proposing to Lavanya the previous day?

"I was busy with important work, assigned by Arnav" Shyam lied.

"You and your work..."

"What happened, Sheetal?"

"A teacher insulted me..."

"Yeah... don't you know Manju Didi? She won't care about our warnings and threatening"

"I'm not talking about Manju"

"Then? Who you are talking about?"

"The one who is thin and fair..."

"Who you are talking about?" Shyam thought about the teacher.

"I think she is new to our school. She was with Lavanya"


"Yes... Khushi..."

"Did Khushi insult you?" Shyam asked shockingly.


"I can't believe this. She is not that kind"

"She made me say sorry to a mere staff of the school" she sneered.

"Why would you say sorry...? You could have dealt with anything easily"


"Don't forget your husband is the principal..."

"He was there only"

Shyam paused for a while.

"You insulted him in front of staff... then, how would he stand by your side? You yourself lost your right" Shyam sighed.

"It doesn't mean anyone can do the same with me. Who is she to make me say sorry?"

"But you should not have raised your hand on our staff, Sheetal"

"You too?"

"Of course, this is a matter of our staff's support. If they lose faith in management, we will lose their support. Then our school will face many problems."

"She is not a teaching staff"

"So what? According to the management, everyone is the same"

"This is pathetic"

"No, Sheetal. Arnav would not give up on his staff. What he did is right..."

"What about Khushi? Who is she at this school? Can't she be silent shutting her damn mouth?"

"It's because of you, Sheetal. You lost your respect in school. You should not have come to the school in a drunken state. It's the big blunter you have ever done"

"Stop it, Shyam. I didn't call you to know what's right and what's wrong"

"Ok, tell me, what do you want me to do"

"Watch Arnav closely. Let me know what he is doing"

"I'm already doing that"

"Do it more closely... I can't understand what made him turn 180 degrees all of a sudden. He was not like this. He never reacted to whatever I said. He just did what I asked for. Then what happened to him, he is daringly standing against my every action..."

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