Kokushibo entered the window with a huff of unnecessary breath. The women inside, who had already gotten used to seeing the six-eyed male atleast once a week, simply left with courtesy, locking the door behind them as if it was routine.

Kokushibo watched as Douma's face shifted from his fake smile, to his real one. "Hello Kokushibo!" The rainbow eyed man smiled with excitement, clasping his hands together like it was a meeting.

"Did Sama notice I painted his room?" Kokushibo laughed a little, "Oh he noticed alright, actually, he wanted me to tell you that in return for letting me be your friend, you need to stop bothering him or spray painting his room pink, or any color for that matter."

Douma laughed, "Okay, Okay, but in return for me to listen, how about you hunt with me tonight?" Kokushibo's face flushed as Douma winked at him. Responding with a simple, "Yeah sure." They both ran out of the mansion-like cult house.

Kokushibo mumbled to himself as he ran. He was happy to be Douma's friend. Even though it's only been a decade, he learned so many things about Douma that his followers could only dream to know.

The way he talked was something Koku admired, his straightforwardness, the way his eyes lit up whenever he felt happy. Something about those things made Kokushibo happy. Even his flirting was, something else. He even mentioned how pretty Kokushibo was when he blushed.

Much to his slight mortification, with a bit of happiness, Kokushibo had to admit he had fallen for his rainbow-eyed inferior. Better yet, he was falling farther and farther each conversation. He never expected this simple friendship to evolve into something more, and even so, he had no idea how to even tell Douma.

Sure, he had a wife when he was human, but the marriage was arranged, and Douma was unpredictable. He didn't even think Douma was attracted to males, especially considering all of the female cultists that cared for his every need like housewives everyday.

Either way, it didn't matter, he needed to focus on the fact that Douma was running beside him, but even yet, the way his platinum blonde hair flowed in the air made him seem majestic.

It was honestly nerve wracking. For his first friendship since he's become a demon, he's been stirring up emotions that he didn't even know he still had. Their emotional bond really grew over the last decade and it wasn't a secret. Well, most likely anyway, considering a perk about Douma was reading people like a book. Hell, sometimes Kokushibo would find Douma speaking for him at meetings when he mentioned nothing.

He sort of hoped Douma noticed, that way, Douma would ask him out if he felt the same.

Before he knew it, they'd already killed a whole village and chowing down on their food by a river that Kokushibo didn't even know existed until Douma showed him.

Douma ate up the last of his food, slowly moving closer to Kokushibo. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Kokushibo's lower left eye flickered towards Douma, surprised.

Unsure what to say, he suddenly stammered, "I...I can die happy..." Causing Douma to look at him in surprise.

Lifting an eyebrow carefully, to say he was caught off guard with his response. "What? Why?"

Kokushibo's face flushed in embarrassment, remembering that the phrase that escaped Douma's lips was still somewhat new.

"No reason. Just feels nice to be around you, I suppose. It just slipped out. Yeah, the moon is beautiful." Kokushibo sighed, he really wanted Douma as more than just friends. It was almost strange.

Only a decade and he managed to catch strong feelings for the shorter male. His kelidoscope eyes that are oh so easy to get lost in, his platinum blonde hair that could go from full blonde to silver white in any time, his blunt, flirty, sadistic and masochistic personality was to die for. Douma was to die for. His pale lips that spoke every truth since they became friends. The lips Kokushibo so desperately wanted against his.

It wasn't a secret that Kokushibo had an undying faith in the demon king, but Douma clouded his mind so much he fully believed that he didn't need the demon kind Muzan if he could just have Douma.

Douma this, Douma that, hell he used to be so good at stopping his thoughts. Of all things, a simple love interest is what made him doubt the ability he maintained for years.

Waking up back to reality, he heard the voice that he would've heard whether he stopped thinking or not. "Kokuuu~" The familiar voice cooed, Douma tilted his head. "Kokushibo, darling~?" Kokushibo felt his face heat up, "Yes-?"

"Oh! So you do respond to the word darling better~ I'll make sure to keep that in mind~" Kokushibo's face grew so red he swore it was the color of his sword. "No, I just spaced out. Don't- don't call me darling regularly." Kokushibo mumbled, mentally cursing himself as he heard the shorter one laugh.

"Alright alright~ Come on, the sun's gonna rise soon." Kokushibo followed Douma back to the cult house, Douma gripping his hand as they ran.

Kokushibo was definitely blushing hard at the fact that Douma was holding his hand. One day, sooner or later, he was gonna confess to Douma on a full moon. Otherwise, Douna would confess to him, which he also kinda hoped happened.

Once they returned, it was already dawn. He would have to spent the man he loved. How great would that be? Most likely wonderful, just another long conversation that could last a while.

Douma sat apon his throne, Kokushibo sitting beside him and pulling out a book. It was oddly Ironic because of Douma's ability to read people like books, and he didn't even know he had basically stated a confession line.

Things were as chaotic as they could get. Yet, it was honestly quite perfect in Kokushibo's eyes.

Some day on a full moon.

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