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A/N: Sorry for the delay, here you go! ;p


Douma awoke to the feeling that something was going on. The first thing he noticed was the lack of the taller demon beside him. He sighed, rolling out of bed as the sun shined close to the futon. Almost too close for comfort. He supposed Kokushibo was elsewhere, perhaps telling his followers he had slept in. It wouldn't have been to far off considering that it was far past his usual morning praying session.

He made sure to get off on the side where the sun wasn't, leaving the futon to be dealt with later as he hurried down the stairs. He creaked open the door and closed it shut firmly, confirming that it looked as if it was never there. He made his way to his praying room where he was greeted by many followers, men and women alike waiting for his return.

He sat atop his makeshift throne and let it begin, taking out framed photos of Muzan. Strange how he made Muzan the main face of the cult despite him never being there.
After it was over, he couldn't help but be oddly surprised at how long it took for Kokushibo to get bored. He really shouldn't be, after all, his superior was on his own for many years and was very independent. He admired that quite a bit. Though, he usually would see him during the day. Just where was he?

Either way, it didn't matter to him. He would be back, and if he died..Douma would have to move on back to his plain, uneventful life. It would be quite the bore, however. So Douma hoped his superior wasn't dead. If a group of slayers killed him they would be in big trouble.

He trusted Kokushibo though, as much as the six-eyed superior didn't fully trust him. Of course, his partner always let his guard down a little when it came to him. Both of them knew Douma was a dangerous person to put his full trust into. Kokushibo was far too smart to fall into that trap.

Douma sighed, waiting for Kokushibo's return. His superior was taking a very long time. He decided to take a sake bath while he waited. Walking up to his bathing room, he sighed as he poured in the sake. He had to maintain his angelic skin somehow, and he would puke up the sake if he actually tried to drink it. Sake baths were relaxing anyway.

He sunk into the bath, curling up in it. "Where are you, I'm missing your company Koku.." He whined, closing his eyes as he splashed his face with the sake. He sank into the sake for a good 10 minutes before climbing out, drying off with a grin. He still wondered where Kokushibo was.

He strolled back to his room, finding Kokushibo sitting on the futon and staring at the wall. He perked up, dropping his guard as he paced to his lover's side. "Hey there, doll~ Where have you been?" Kokushibo jumped at his remark. Douma chuckled at this, his darling was just so intriguing..

"Muzan-sama has discovered our..affair." Kokushibo sighed. Douma only chuckled, embracing him. "At least you're alive, Kokushibo-dono~" Kokushibo only sighed pulling him into a short and sweet kiss. Douma indulged in it. Sweet, sweet indulgence. "Right..Muzan-sama entrusted me, though..he says that...allow us to endulge since...lives will end once spider lily...can't interfere with our..nor are we allowed to be open..."

Douma was barely listening, yet he got the memo pretty quickly. "It is what it is, Darling~" He winked, Kokushibo blushed that passionate pink once more, yet kept his usual cold expression. Douma knew Kokushibo never got flustered, he knew Kokushibo and him would Now's not the time.

Douma took Kokushibo's hand, rough and empty, but warm like a heated and hollow iron ball. That was enough for him. They walked outside, it was calm and the night was young. Of course, they had time. They always had time.

They walked together slowly, basking in the comfortable silence and watching the trees. They didn't once look at each other, they knew none of them had the heartfelt emotion to look at each other lovingly.

Douma took a step, nearly slipping off the edge of a cliff. He caught himself just in time and sat down. Kokushibo sat down beside him.

They relaxed under the comfortable silence, the clouds blocked the moon from sight but that was fine. They didn't need a romantic setting to feel each other's comfort. Kokushibo spoke first, "You know..I'm never going to actually love you.." Douma turned his head to look at him, nodding. "Likewise, dear. I know."

Douma watched his lover's chest rise and fall, keeping his usual smile, except this time it was more calm. He knew Koku heard him. "Sometimes I wonder what it's like to love someone," he added, breaking the silence and comfortable tension.

"I believe what we have is enough..even without the emotion necessary.." Douma turned to Kokushibo, admiring him for a little. "I suppose so, though a man can dream, can't he?" Indeed a man could dream. Douma dreamed of being able to kiss the underside of all six of Koku's beautiful eyes, being able to laugh at the way his hair would look if it wasn't as messy as it was and have it be genuine.

Douma sighed happily, knowing Koku would've responded if he wanted to. He scooted closer and with gloating eyes he left tender kisses along Kokushibo's jawline. As he heard his lover hum in satisfaction, he laid on his lap and traced the taller man's cheekbone with two of his fingers.

"You are mine, you shall be mine, I am yours, and I shall be yours..that's a promise," Kokushibo spoke softly as Douma basked in his words. He was right, he was always right, after all. If the day ever comes that they are not together or another moon wishes to absorb them after a blood battle, they shall never forget the other.

"Then it is our promise."

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