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Three months later

Narcissa sighed as she stood in front of the Weasley's home, whereby Molly and Ginny were cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"I think Draco's a lovely boy," Molly tutted as Ginny mixed the mashed potatoes.

Narcissa listened in on the rest of the conversation. She didn't consider it eavesdropping as the window was open, letting the summer air breeze in.

Ginny laughed, finding that concept rather silly. In all the years she'd known Draco Malfoy, nothing about him or his demeanor was lovely.

" Mum," Ginny started. "Draco is putting on for you and Dad. He's the son of Lucius and the nephew of Bellatrix; he isn't lovely."

Molly poured the sweet corn and carrots mash into a casserole dish and Ginny followed with the mashed potatoes.

"Well, I think he is. And he must be, if he'll be staying here with Mione while she's here. It's only fair that, as he is her son's father, he should be involved. And that means, Genevra, that we should welcome him with open arms."

Ginny scoffed. "He's Harry's arch-nemesis. Harry doesn't like him being around her!"

"Who cares what Harry thinks! He isn't the baby's father, now is he?" Molly questioned before setting the casserole in the oven.

"If he were, he wouldn't see the light of day when I'm through with him! Could you even imagine?" Ginny chuckled.

"Dear, you remember what the horcrux showed. After your brother left. The vision of Harry and Hermione in the tent?" Molly went on.

"Mum, yes! But it wasn't real! They didn't do anything that night except dance!" Ginny felt tears brimming her eyes, but she wouldn't let her mother see her cry.

"Sweetheart, don't cry. Oh, Ginny!" Molly went after her daughter, and Narcissa cringed at the sound of Ginny's bedroom door slamming.


Elsewhere, Draco and Hermione were in his chambers at Hogwarts, and she was currently fiddling with closing her suitcase.

"You don't need that many outfits, Granger," Draco growled from the floor.

He'd been watching her fuss over what to pack to stay with the Weasley's for a while and it was starting to bore him.

"Yes, I do. There's no telling what we may encounter there and I want to look my best!" She fussed.

Draco got up from the floor and put his hands gently on Hermione's waist, forcing her to look at him.

Her eyes were filled with hurt and shame and regret, and his heart shattered.

"Love.." he hummed, bringing her into his embrace.

She held on to him and let the tears flow. He released her and put his hands on her protruding belly, smiling lovingly when Scorpius kicked him.

"He's moving, Mione," he whispered.

Hermione was caught off guard. She had never heard him call her anything other than Granger, but she rather liked her nickname a lot more coming out of his mouth.

"He is," she agreed, and smiled. "Have you heard from your mum?"

Draco shook his head. "No, but I suspect she's been rather busy with my father and his violent ways. And of course, Aunt Bellatrix is staying with them to hide from the Ministry so she doesn't go back to Azkaban."

Hermione nodded. Then she looked at Draco's wrecked room. "I'm sorry for the mess," she said.

He smirked. "I rather like a mess, if you can't tell." He gestured towards Hermione's belly, causing her to blush.

"I've noticed," she whispered, and that sent Draco's heart racing.

No, Draco. Focus. You cannot fall for Granger. Even if she is the mother of your son.

"We should get to the train station," he said, flicking his wand and closing the suitcase.

The two apparated to the train station, and climbed aboard, headed to the Weasley house.


Elsewhere, in the shadows that mounted the streets of Knockturn alley, Lucius and Bellatrix entered into Borgin and Burkes, whereby Wormtail greeted them with a sly grin.

"Stop grinning," Lucius sighed.

Wormtail muttered absentmindedly and Bellatrix laughed.

"I do believe he's called you a prick," she said.

Lucius groaned before flicking his wand, sending Wormtail flying into a stack of books on dark magic.

"I dare to say he looks a little flushed," Bellatrix cackled, and Lucius smirked at the un-deserving Wormtail.

Wormtail hid his face behind his chubby fingers, only to cry out when Lucius whispered, "I'd be careful, old fellow, for I could snap your neck in two. Now get up. You're coming with us."

"Where... where are we headed, Master?" Wormtail asked as the three headed out into the street, where a bunch of disowned wizards and witches lined the alley.

"Bellatrix, be a dear and rid these fools of their miserable lives," Lucius said, grabbing Wormtail by the collar of his shirt and apparating to the Weasley home.

Bellatrix did as she pleased, using Crucio to the point where all were laid on the ground, their bodies broken and their eyes rolled to the back of their heads.

"Oh, it's fun to kill!" Bellatrix laughed joyously.

A small whimper caused her to turn around before she could use her Floo powder to apparate to the Weasley home.

"You killed my Mum," the little girl said.

The little girl was no older than eight years old, with dark black braids and bruising on her body. Her dress was made of a little cloth sack, and the dirt and grime that caked her body had a rather repugnant smell.

"I'm sorry?" Bellatrix chuckled, not feeling a bit of sorrow for the unfortunate soul standing in front of her.

"What's your name?" the little girl asked, looking at her wide curious eyes.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Bellatrix scoffed. "Dare I ask what yours is?"

"Emily Nott," she whispered. "Can I live with you? My Mum didn't take care of me. She tried her best, but then the Ministry kicked us out of our home because she was behind on rent. That was when I was a baby. Please? I'll be a good girl," she said.

Bellatrix sighed, looking at the girl once more. Out here, she'd be dead in a week. This was no place for a child to grow up.

Bellatrix sniffled before responding.

"Are you good at cleaning? I need a maid," she asked.

Emily smiled. "Yes. Could I be your daughter too?"

Bellatrix flinched inwardly as Emily took her hand gently. She never had time to settle down and have children, save for the scorn that was Delphini, and her maternal clock had run out years ago.

"Yes, Emily," she found herself saying.

"Are we going home?" Emily asked, her dark eyes glimmering with delight at her new Mum.

"No, little one. There's something I have to do first. But afterwards, sure. Are you sure you could handle Azkaban, if things should go awry?" Bellatrix asked.

"Uh huh," Emily said, not knowing what Azkaban was or who Bellatrix really was.

"Good," Bellatrix said, before Emily took hold of her cloak and the two apparated to the Weasley home.


"That child will be mine," Lucius whispered as he and Wormtail watched from outside the house, Draco and Hermione being greeted by the Weasley family.

"How will you make the unborn child yours?" Wormtail asked, as if he were dumb.

"By murdering it. Like I should have done with Draco years ago," Lucious said.

Wormtail gulped.

Oh, no, he thought. This is bad.

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