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Hermione laughed joyously as she was bombarded by the five boys of the Weasley children, namely, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George. Only Ronald was missing.

"Welcome home!" They cheered.

The boys all hugged her and she looked around for Ron.

"Where's Ron?" She asked.

"Out," Fred said.

"With Lavender," George echoed.

"They're planning for their wedding," Percy said.

Hermione frowned at that but didn't feel like questioning them. After all, it was simply none of her business. Ron was her ex-boyfriend. He'd never be more than that.

"But Hermione doesn't know- I mean.. I.." Charlie's cheeks were red as he sheepishly looked towards the floor.

"Don't ruin the surprise, Charlie!" Bill laughed.

"Surprise?" Hermione questioned.

"Nothing, just ignore them. Come on upstairs," Ginny said, leading Hermione upstairs to her room.

"How has Crookshanks been for you?" Hermione asked as the girl as she entered Ginny's room, picking her cat up and kissing his head.

"He's been good," Ginny nodded from the doorway.

Ginny turned and glared at her brothers downstairs.

"Do. Not. Start." She mouthed before entering her room with Hermione, shutting the door so that they had some privacy.

Bill rolled his eyes at his brothers. "Must you always try to start something?"

George sighed. "If only Mione knew they were getting married tonight-"

"Well, she mustn't, because our wanker of a brother, Ronald, cheated on her with Lavender multiple times and now Lavender is pregnant!" Percy exclaimed.

Molly gasped, as she came out of the kitchen with Arthur fast on her heels, to see her sons arguing.

"Don't do this to her tonight, boys. She's been through enough," Molly whispered to her sons, who all nodded.

"Go make Draco feel comfortable," Arthur said.

The boys all grinned and tugged a shocked Draco along outside, apparating to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.


"I've been here before," Draco said as they walked him through the door of their store, Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

"Yeah, but you haven't been to the back room," Percy said, winking.

Draco went to ask what he meant but ended up shrugging his shoulders instead.

"Why does Lavender and Weasel need to marry tonight?" He asked instead.

"Because she could go into labor within the next week," George said, and Fred nodded.

"She got pregnant back in October," he said.

"But it's July," Draco said.

"Women are with child for nine months, Malfoy," George said.

Draco laughed, embarrassed that he didn't already know that. "Oh."

Fred clapped Draco on the shoulder, a devilish smile on his face.

"Should we take him to the back rooms, fellas?" He asked.

The boys carried Draco on their shoulders and all laughed as he saw the show before him.

Under the Wand: Dramione fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now