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  The next day, Bellatrix looked rather strangely at Lucius as he held the Daily Prophet up for them to see.

"'The newest Malfoy heir made his first appearance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry last week. Here pictured is the infamous Mister Draco Malfoy and his lovely wife, Hermione Granger. The infant boy in Hermione's arms is called Scorpius Draco Malfoy. Here at the Daily Prophet, we'll keep our readers informed on the newest Malfoy heir.'"

Lucius growled, ashamed in his son to not only impregnate the Filthy Gryffindor Mudblood, but to marry her as well.

"We are to make an appearance at the Manor tomorrow, then, Bellatrix," he said, utter disgust on his pale face. "Would you be a dear and owl Narcissa, inform her of our plans, and tell her to invite my disgraceful son and his little family."

It wasn't a question, more like a demand, but Bellatrix nodded nonetheless, taking Emily by the hand and apparating to the Manor.

"Well, I guess she'd rather tell her in person," Wormtail nodded as he looked towards Lucius.

"Peter," Lucius said. "Do shut up."

Wormtail gulped; he wasn't used to hearing his real name, and it made him self-conscious of his ability as a Death Eater.

"We're going to make a visit to some dear friends," Lucius said with a cunning grin.

Noticing Wormtail's confusion, he added, with a disdainful sigh, "The Weasley's. Come along."


Draco smiled brightly at Hermione. "You missed it," he said as she woke up from some much needed sleep.

She got up and looked at him, with a smile on her face.

"What'd I miss?" she questioned; having a baby was no easy task. She'd never been so tired in her life.

"We made the headlines," he said, plopping the newspaper down on the bed, with the headline: 'Malfoy heir is a boy,' and grimaced.

"Seems Rita Skeeter can't keep her nasty paws off us long enough. Who told her that you had a son?" He asked.

Hermione shrugged, but didn't fail to notice the smirk on his lips as she tied her hair back with a rubber band and changed quickly into a sweater and leggings.

"Where's Scorpius?" she asked once she had brushed her teeth and put on her shoes.

"He's downstairs. Ginny and Potter are watching him," Draco murmured as he kissed her nose softly.

Hermione smiled, pulling away from her husband's affections, and raised her brows.

"Since when do you trust Harry Potter to babysit our son?" she asked.

Draco chuckled. "Since the War, Mione. He saved my life. I owed him, so I figured I could charm you while he and his new wife watched Scorpius. He's not that bad," he smiled.

Hermione laughed, placing a kiss on his head.

"I always knew you were a Potter fan," she smiled.

Draco laughed and threw a pillow at her; she gasped but threw one back. "Pillow fight!" Hermione yelled as she chucked a pillow at her husband.

Soon, they were laughing at their childishness at having a pillow-fight that they didn't notice Harry and Ginny standing in the hall, watching the fun and games with Scorpius giggling in Ginny's arms.

"Hope we're not interrupting anything," Ginny said with a polite smile. "but Mum wants us to go to the house for Percy's birthday. I figured you might want your son back."

Ginny handed Scorpius back and Hermione laughed, overjoyed to have Scorpius back in her arms. 

She kissed his cheek and he buried his head in her chest, his blonde curls bouncing as he bashfully hid his face from his godfather and godmother.

"Thanks for watching him," Draco said, smiling when Harry said, "It was no problem, mate. He's a good chap."

"Well, goodbye. We'll see you two soon," Hermione called out as they apparated to the Weasley house.


Harry sighed softly as he made his way up the steps to Ginny's room, flashing her a grin.

"Could I stay over tonight?" He asked, wiggling his brows in a way that suggested otherwise.

Ginny giggled; even though she was now a married woman, she was still living with her parents as Harry hadn't the time to secure a house.

"Yes. My mum and dad won't be home tonight so it'll just be us and Ron and Lavender. And Percy too," she said.

Harry smiled before closing the door shut and walking slowly over to her.


"I just don't know, Mione, if we should go on this walk," Draco muttered as Hermione shrugged into an overcoat over her baggy sweater and jeans.

Draco smiled at Scorpius lying on their bed, dressed in a black sleep suit. Then, noticing the pink cap upon his tiny head, he made a face.

But he'd made his mind up to ask on their walk.

Hermione wrapped Scorpius in the carrier she had purchased before he was born, and, taking Draco by the hand, led the way to the beach.

The beach was fairly empty; the sea was calm. And yet, Draco had an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

He tensed up when he felt the shock of pain surge throughout his forearm, revealing the Dark Mark while Hermione was looking out at the horizon with Scorpius sound asleep on her chest.

"Shit," he murmured. "He's supposed to be dead."

"Is something wrong?" Hermione asked, rejoining her husband.

Draco quickly turned his arm away from her, putting on a tell about a bird pooping on his shoes.

Hermione nodded, seemed to believe him, and looked at her son before retracting her gaze to her husband.

"He's handsome, like you."

Draco let out a laugh and kissed Hermione's head.

"You really went all out on this walk didn't you? Knitting our son a pink cap?" He asked, a smirk upon his face.

"Nothing wrong with wanting him to match me," she answered.

Hermione smiled lovingly at her son, once again focusing her gaze on Draco's darkened eyes.

"What's wrong? You can tell me," she said.

Draco sighed, facing her, but turned away.

"He's coming back," was all he said.

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"The Dark Lord. Voldemort. Tom Riddle. He Who Must Not Be Named. He'll stop at nothing to make sure Harry Potter is dead," he said, and Hermione physically tensed up.

"Harry killed him," she reminded him.

Draco nodded. "Yes, but my Dark Mark started hurting again so I know he's coming back. Please, Hermione, heed my words. Don't do anything to put you or Scorpius in danger."

Hermione nodded, tears pricking her eyes.

Draco sighed, cupping her face in his hands.

"I'm not going anywhere. I won't let anything happen to you or our son."

Hermione nodded, before placing her head on his chest. He kissed her head as they watched the snow start to fall on the beach.


Voldemort was coming, and there would be nothing that Draco Malfoy could do to stop him.

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