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In the midst of the darkness that overshadowed the chambers at Hogwarts, Lucius sighed triumphantly as he entered into the vacant and damp chambers, carrying that what was most precious to his son- his child.

"I've done it, Tom," he seethed, lying the gray bundle down onto the offering arch, calling once more for the Dark Lord.

He fanned a hand throughout his blond locks, looking around to find he was alone.

He looked towards the six-month-old baby boy, staring at him with wide, alert eyes that showed confusion and a sense of wanting his mother.

"Well," he commented, taking the child up to him and staring, "today is the day you die. I've already used the oblivate spell on your young parents. They shouldn't remember ever having an illegitimate child."

Scorpius began to cry, but Lucius grinned.

"Torture, it is my speciality. Now, young one, this won't hurt a bit."

A sudden shrill echoed through the vast chambers, but Lucius did not stop as he flicked his wand faster and faster until Scorpius was lying there with two broken ribs and a broken left ankle, and a gash on his face.

"I've been told not to kill you," Lucius whispered as Scorpius silently cried.

A sudden boom echoed as he was sent flying into the brick wall of the chambers, and Tom Riddle, otherwise known as Voldemort, bustling into the darkened chambers, whispered, "Avada Kedavra," and Lucius Malfoy's neck snapped into two- a quick and unexpected death.

Voldemort turned to the boy with tears rolling down his chubby cheeks. He, having a daughter of his own, felt pity for the poor child.

"Wormtail, take care of the young master," he said to the beady-eyed, greasy-haired man behind him.

Wormtail did as he was told as Voldemort apparated to the Malfoy Manor. Narcissa would not expect his arrival.

"Let's get you back home," Wormtail whispered as he picked up the loosely bundled boy and cradled him to his chest.


Draco paced the kitchen in the Manor, wondering what could've happened to his son.

Narcissa sighed as she sipped her tea, looking occasionally at a very worried version of her son, and a highly distraught version of her daughter-in-law.

Hermione, even though she tried numerous times to stop, was crying and holding onto her infant son's pink cap she had knitted him the week before when they went down to the beach.

She blamed herself for not keeping better watch over Scorpius, as she had made him sleep in the nursery last night instead of co-sleeping like they had done since he was a newborn.

She was so tired last night that she didn't even lock the window or the door of the nursery, and this morning when she had awoken, the window was wide open and Scorpius wasn't in his crib.

Just then, a sudden knock at the door caused her to jump slightly, and, Draco breaking his pacing, went to answer the door.

A rather short, beady-eyed, greasy-haired man stood on the stoop of the landing, Scorpius sleeping pleasantly in the crook of his arm.

Draco recognized him at Peter Pettigrew, a rather clumsy Death Eater who preferred the pseudonym of Wormtail.

"I've found the young master," he said. "Your father had him in the Chamber of Secrets," he explained, gently handing over the blonde baby to his pleased, but inwardly angry, father.

Draco snuggled Scorpius to his chest, breathing a sigh of relief to find his son was still alive.

"Your father abused the poor lad, breaking two ribs and his left ankle, and gashing his face open. He-who-must-not-be-named killed Lucius then told me to bring the young master home to his family," Wormtail rushed as he shifted from one foot to the other.

Under the Wand: Dramione fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now