Chapter Nine

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Okay, thank you all for the comments! And I'm doing this for all of you pushy people that help me out, I need the support...and the reminder! So be pushy all you want! Your comments are awesome, and thanks to the voters too!

This is too All of the Awesome Ninja Monkeys out there!

<3 You all!

Nikki //_^

Chapter Nine!

She took me to the nurse's office, lecturing me the whole way about how irrespondsible I am. How could. and why would, I do  this to myself. There was no actual caring, only hope that I wouldn't get her in trouble for hurting me and how stupid I am. How nice...

I ignored all of ther questions, and harsh accusations. My mind was tranfixed on their faces, that I would be cutting  myself. No one really understoo my way of thinking, why I lied. Why I will do almost anything to save my parents. I want to be loved, even if I am a cruel, selfish, uglky creature. Everyone wants to be loved, cared for, and I am no different.

Once I finally entered the nurse's office, the old chubby lady fluttered over to me. Grabbing a disentfectien surgical pad as she ran to my arm and scrubbed it as if her life depended on it. My arm stung, but I was used to the feeling of pain so I merely shrugged to stinging off.

I had just ruined my chances at actually having a normal relationship with someone other than Percey. And I just had to ruin it! I'm so stupid, useless, I don't even deserve to have the parents I have now. I should have never have been born, I'm such a horrible person. There is nothing that I can do right. I can't help my parents, all I do is lie for them or give them money to buy more alochol. That's nothing that will ever make them love me.

They way Blaine looked at me, the shock and disbelief in his eyes nearly crushed me. I just met him, and he already enrolled in my high school, and he even stuck up for me. But who wants to be friends with a pathetic, low self-estemed, emo cutter? I can't do anything good, maybe I should just kill myself. I'd rid the world of one more imperfection, and maybe it  would actually help my parents over come their addiction. It's not like anyone would miss me.

"Kali!" The nurse waved her had in front o f my face. Her small brown eyes searching for something in my own. Her face was chubby with years of eating poorly and not working it off. Her hair reacher slightly to her shoulders, but was sticking out in a wavy mess. Her face was molded into one of shock, and concern.

Time to be a Royal Bitch. I have to get them off my chase or they will contact my parents, who will beat me even harder. My parents hate tattle-tails and will beat for things that I did not even rat people out on. It seems that everything wrong that happened was my fault.

"I'm fine!" I snapped at the woman, causing her to finch at my cold ton.e

It made me feel bad, but there was not other way to prevent this. It was her being scared or my parents may loving me. I chose my parents.

"But-" She began trying to look at my wounds, but I shook my arm out of her grasp.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed, my voice sounding almost worse than the it crowd's.

She  was flusted for a second, but then regianed her composure. The nurse knew I probably neede stitches, well that just was njot going to happen. I was almost a legal adult, and i have rights. My parents do not need to know about this, and I have the right to say no. Which I was. 

"Now, you just listen here young lady. I need to take you to the hospital. Your cuts are inflected, and they need stiches. This is for your health. Now let's go." She ordered my while she threw on her brown trench coat, and her dark brown old leather purse that resembled a old medical bag.

"No." I growled disobeitently. " I do not want to go!"

This only angered her. She stopped and glared at me, her once sweet caring brown eyes were now filled with rage. I guess she was not used to students telling her no. Well, there's a first time for everything.

"Kali!" She yelled at me as I stormed out of the office. I was fuming on the inside, though on the outside I knew my face showed nothing of the events that just occured.

I was not paying attention while I was storming to my thrid block class, since lunch was not over, that was the only place I could go.

I ran into something that felt like a wall and it's impact caused me to fall backwards.

Abused, So how did I catch Mr. Celebrity's eye?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα