Abused, so how did I catch Mr. Celebrity's eye?

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Okay, I'm so so so so so so so  so so so so so sorry! I have been busy, and sick, and having to study. But I will try to pload like very other day. Though I hav efinal exam coming up in like a month so I have to start studying for those. Lucky me. OH, I almost forgot! I'm having a contest little thing. Nothing big. But since there have been a couple comments that made my day I'm going to dedicate that chapter to that person. Good idea, huh? Lol it's a way for me to say thanks for being awesome and supportive. And making my day!  And this time, my chapter is dedicated tooooo.........jblstark3040!!!!  You made my laugh so hard!

Nikki //_^



Thanks for reading.

Chapter six:

Once I was able to change from the soaking wet clothes, and into the dry ones. I had to run out of the restaruant to school. But no without giving Rose my number. Ang giving her a hug. The guys though I was still mad at. They threw ice cold water on me in the middle of Apirl! Seriously, it's still freaking cold outside! I don't need to catch a cold!

"Bye!" I called over me shoulder to the famous people that mad my morning very interesting. To put it nicely.

I climbed into my car and drove off to my my school. I know most eenagers call school, Hell or My personal torture. But I actually liked school. It was like a break for me. I didn't have to wait tables, clean, or even cook. I could just sit and learn. I could blend in and relax.

I pulled into Williow Creek High (A/N:I Made this up! I wish my school was neamed this it sounds so cool! lol) . It was recently since, they had extra money. Sow now the school transformed from a two story school into a four story building. Though classes were only on the third and fourth floors. Unless you had gym or music, then you were on the first.

I pulled into the first spot I saw, which was towards the front of school. I was always one of the first people here. Since this was the time I ususally worked on my homework, along with gettingg help from teachers. I tended to accidentally fall alseep in my Alegbra class. (A/N:I really do! I hate it! ) And having it early in the morning helped nothing!

Taking the key out of the ignition, I put it in my pocket nex to my cheap cell phone.  I had a problem with putting things in my purse because theifs go for the purse! Not my jean's pockets. See, I'm out smarting them!

Dead inside
My heart and soul flatlines
Put your mouth on mine
And bring me back to life
Dead inside
No other satisfies
My blood runs dry
Take my life
Save me from this death inside

(A/N: Dead inside Skillet!)

I pulled my ohone out of my pocket.  On the screen was a little letter un said One Unread Text Message.  I opened the message.


Our bus is broke! So were gonna stay herez for a while! Like two weekz!

Ros-a-lishous <33

Oh, that must suck. Having your bus breakk down in a shabby little town. Most places didn't even have cell phone reception.

Oh, I'm sorry L

//_^ Kali

Yeah, but that means wez get to hangs out! So when do u get out of school?

Ros-a-lishous <33

I get out at 3. I need to go now, or I'll be late. Laterz

//_^ Kali

I typed my response and turned my phone on silent. We were supposed to turn our phones off but I always kept mine on me. You never know when you need to call or text someone. And I never get caught. I once had a business phone call in class and the teacher had her head to far up her ass to hear me. When I;m even sitting in the front row. That's just unobservent.

I shrugged my shoulders. There' s stupid people in this world, and even though I hate them, they are still going to be there. Though, I still wish that is someone does some so stupid,(A/N: this girl really did this in my school. It's not a lie. She is the dumbest person in the world. I swear.) like runs to the window and screams "OMG! IT'S SNOWING! I BET WE GET TO GO HOME EARLY!" when it's actually rainging outside, I think it should be legal or atleast school allowed to hit the person. Like ten times. But knowing certain people if they were hit they would try to press an assult charge.  Stupid laws.

Suddenly someone bannged on my window. I jumped slightly, but then turned to see. My best friend Percy. Grinning like an idiot. Percy was tall,  6 foot 5, and moderatly built. Though he looked tough enough that no one wanted to mess with him. He had light blue eyes, and brown hair. He was my older brother, or he looked as himself that way. It was quit funny to see how worked up he would get when my boss was yelling at me. I love him though, my sweet older brother.

He was wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt. (A/N: I love them! Bonus to anyone who thinks Andy is one of the sexiest guys on earth! XD) And black skinny jeans. Though they weren't like another layer of skin skiinys, they just hugged his legs in the right spots.

I climbed out of my car. He looked me up and down, suspiously.

"Where did you get those clothes? And I thought you said you'd never be caught dead in a shirt that had Blain Andrews face on it?" Percy questioned me.

I exaimed myself. Sure enough Blain, Rose, and the Twins face's were blown up to cover most of the shirts front. With the band's name written under it.

Great. I thought.

"It's a long story. But to sum it up. I meet these people. Blain ordered a milkshake. It exsploded on me. OS Rose lended me her clothes. And before that the twins dumped ice cold water on me. Oh, and Rose is my friend." I rushed.

His eyes poped out of his head.

"Y-you meet them! And didn't call me!" He yelled.

Oh shit. I thought.

Percy was a Huge Black thorn Fan. And swore he was in love with Rose. My new friend. I saw the anger in his eyes.

"Oh, you're so dead." He growled playfully.

I started to back away from him. Putting my arms up in front me.

"How, about I introduce you to them? Rose texted me saying they would be in town for about to weeks." I pleaded.

Then his mouth hit the ground.

Yup, that's it for now. But I would love some feed back. And I decided whoever's comments make me laugh I'll dedicate the chape to you!

Comment? Vote? Fan? Lol love you guys!

Abused, So how did I catch Mr. Celebrity's eye?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن