Abused, So how did I catch Mr. Celebrity's eye?

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<P>Sorry I haven't uploaded I have beenreally stressed. And I had two of my best friends birthdays back to back. Sorry!</P>

<P>But here is the next chapter! </P>

<P>Nikki //_^</P>

<P>Chapter Four</P>

<P>There standing in front of me was the the heart throb of america. Every girls dream. Well every girl except me. </P>

<P>I dispised him. I liked his music though. But he was arrogant, consided, and a player. With fiove different girlfriends a week. And on top of that he never worked a day in his life. All he had to do was sing and he was paid millions. While I had it tough. He had loving parents. I had ones that hated me. As much as I needed them to love me they didn't.</P>

<P>But he was good looking, I'll give him that. But he was spoiled. </P>

<P>"Pick any table you guys want. I'll be back to take orders in a second." I shoed them away with my hand. </P>

<P>None of the cooks were in so it looks like I was going to have to make their food. I hope the don't order something to hard. I'm not the best cook. </P>

<P>I ran back into the break room and threw on my appron. Since I didn't feel the need to completely humliated myself infront of America's hottest band. But If Mr. Macklin walked in and saw me with nothing but my casul clothes on he'd have my head. Litterally.</P>

<P>I tied it around my waist and walked back to the teens. </P>

<P>I masked my face with a fake smile. </P>

<P>"Hi I'm Kali, and I'll be your server. What can I get you today?" I asked the group.</P>

<P>There were two boys other than Blain they looked like twins. Each having blond hair and golden eyes. THey looked tall and muscular but not overbearing like Blain. And they were cute. I think their names were Jorden and Justin Ryan. Last was a girl about my age. She looked at lot like Blain. His sister, I think. Her name was Rose Night. She had dark red hair, but the same blue eyes like her brother. She had pale skin and was very slenter. She looked almost like a child at frist glance. </P>

<P>"I"ll have a Mocha." She groaned, by her tone I could tell how tired she was. </P>

<P>"Make that three!" The twins slurred.</P>

<P>"And you?" I smiled and turned to Blain. </P>

<P>He smirked at me. </P>

<P>"I'll have.............a chocolate milkshake." He smiled. </P>

<P>This early in the morning? Well whatever, it's his food. </P>

<P>I nodded nd walked off to retrieve their drinks. The coffees were simple to make, since it was the moring. And they were considered something you drink with BREAKFAST. They were simiple; But I had to go searching through the back to find the things to make a freaking milkshake. </P>

<P>I swear this is not going to be a good day.</P>

<P>I thought as I finished putting the ice cream intot he blender. I pressed the start button. </P>

<P>I turned to walk away only to be coved in milkshake. </P>

<P>I screamed from the cold and Ran towards the blender. I quickly turned it off. But I was covered in chocolate. My black hair was now a light thick brown. And I was sticky. </P>

<P>I heard a laugh come from the door. </P>

<P>And there stood Blain, with Mr. and Ms. Mackling behind him. Both looking very, very angry. </P>

<P>Oh shit. </P>

<P>"Awwwww, Sorry?" I muttered to them. </P>

<P>I'm in so much trouble. I thought. </P>

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