Chapter Seven

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Well, my life sucks now. School completely cut me off from me best friends an put me with all of the slutty girsl. Isn't that girls. Oh lucky me. Please please shoot me. It sucks. And I miss my friends. And at lunch uou know how everyone has their own table. Well NERDS took over my table. I mean the whole pocket protecters and everything.

But I think I'll post because there is nothing better to do and I felt like I've ingored this story. So here's chapter seven!....I think

Chapter seven:

I thought Percy would nearly faint. The look on his face was pricless, and hilarious all at the same time. It was one of those 'I wish I had a camra moments.' And my stupid cheap phone didn't have one on it.

"Really?" He practically screamed. His blue eyes lighting up at the thought.

He sounded like on of those awesome guy gay best friends. But he wasn't gay, he loved girls. And their were no gay guys in this town. Either they didn't want to come out, or there just  wasn't any. Either way, no crazy fun guys here. What a shame...

. "Sure..why not?" I mumbled. Making a mental note to warn the guys. Or at least Rose. To let her know her biggest fan is going to meet her I doubt they'll have a problem with it. They are famous after all. They should be used to the crazy fans.

I shrugged my bag over my shoulder and locked my car. Even though I doubt anyone will want to steal it, better safe than sorry. I put my keys into my, well Rose's, jeans. And headed towards the school.

Most of the other students have started to arrive. Meaning the "in crowd" was going to be here soon.

The "in crowd" consisted of Mary, Becky, and Sophie. The head of the school. Or well in their world they were. Everyone avoided them at all coasts. But some of the guys, well most of them, tried to sleep with them. Which most of them did. They were the sluts of the school.

And they personally tried to make my life worse than it already is. By tormenting me. Shoving me into lockers, tripping me, dumping food on me. The list goes on and on.

No one knows why they picked me as their victim, I thinks it just me bad luck.

They're just another thing in my life that is difficult. But I'm a junior so I only have another year of them and then they'll go off to college. The lucky, bitches.

I shrugged it off though. I need to focus on school and not the drama.

"Oh, Hey Matt! Later Kali." Percy ran off to join his group of friends.

I was a loner and he wasn't. The emo kids excepted him. And i was happy for him. I didn't want to drag him down with me. Just because I'm a freak doesn't mean he should be labeled as one.

I made my way to my first class. History, I liked this class. But it could be boring. Though my teacher was the best. Mrs. G. She was about forty five. But was always energetic and seriously cared about her students. She was short about five three or so. And had a mop of blond hair. She was awesome.

And compared to my other teachers she was the best.


The bell yelled. Tell everyone we have five minutes to be in our class. And mine was on the fourth floor.

Yeah, stairs! Not.

Mt left leg had been hurting me again. Ever since my father broke it like three years ago, it has never been the same. But I rarely limp anymore. Though stairs are still my worst enemy.

Well maybe not my worst but it was up there. Next to running and rich snobby people.

I sighed.

Moving one foot in front of another I made my way up to the fourth floor and to my history class. Cheering on the inside that I didn't fall down the stairs. I did that once, and it hurt. Really, really bad.

I sat in the front row, what can I say I'm not a nerd but this was the only part of my day that I wasn't working. Well like waiting on people or cleaning. I could sit down for a couple hours. And actually learn something.

I guess that means I'm a nerd. But the other nerds resent me. I scare them.

 If I walked up to them a screamed "BOO!" I bet my pay check that they would run away screaming.

Through out the day I took notes. Refraining from participating in class. I hated answering questions or being called on. I don't like being the center of attention. I guess that's typical of the school outcast.

But to soon Lunch came. And I had B lunch without Percy. Though I had the "in crowd" Oh lucky me.

I walked into the cafeteria. It was Average size. Not big enough to be considered large but big enough to not be small. And the east wall was glass. So we could see the outside world, just not actually go outside. The facility doesn't trust us enough to allow us outside. To many of the students would ditch. So all we can do it look.

i walked through the line picking up a piece of cheese pizza and a milk. I quickly paid for it, but not before getting a glare from the lunch lady.

Since my parents didn't work. I filled out the request for free lunches. And I was one of the few that were accepted. So I could eat lunch. Even though it was just school food. It was food.

I walked over to my table. I'm the only person who actually sits here, so it really it my table. It's by the wall so I can look outside and watch the cars drive by.

I sat down at the table and began ti silently eat my food. But I can't go a day without being tormented by them. The stupid girls that love to make my life harder than it already is.

"Oh, look it's little miss drunken slut!' Mary sneered at me. Purposely bumping into my shoulder. Causing me to wince in pain and bite down on my lip. A slight yelp escaping my mouth.

"Aww, did the slut get hurt...lets give her something to drink. As a sorry." Becky purred.

She picked up her water and was about to pour it on my head when someone's hand grasped her wrist.

I looked up only to see. . .Blain, Rose, Jorden, and Justin all glaring at them.

"Now, what were you about to do to my friend, hoe." Rose growled. Glaring at the 'in crowd."

"You're....You're Black thorn." They gaped.

"Yeah, and you were messing with our friend." The twins growled at them.

Huh, I did have friends. Then it suddenly hit my like a brick wall.

"What are you guys doing in school?" I blurted out.

They turn and smiled at me. The way Blain looked at me made my heart flutter.

Awwwww. You LIKE him!

I just gaped at them ignoring the voice in my head.

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