Chapter 19

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Just then the door opened and Hermione entered. Everyone looked at each other, shocked.

"How did she enter without us removing the charm?" Draco pointed accusingly at her.

James and Remus stood at the entrance shortly after and Sirius removed the charm to let them in.

"Hermione, do you know of any wizard of squib ancestors in your family tree?" asked Sirius.

"No. We're all muggles as far as we can trace. Well, my mum's sister was muggle-born like me."

"What your mum's maiden name?" asked Regulus.


"Sarah Dawson" Regulus said softly.

"Sarah Dawson was my aunt. You knew her?" asked Hermione.

"Umm... yes. We ... well ... we used to be in love."

Sirius's eyes were wide and eyebrows were raised. "You were in love with a muggle-born? But you hated them."

"I bought into the idea of purebloods being superior but partly because it felt like what I was supposed to do to please mother and father and I didn't hate muggle-borns. Sarah and I connected like I never connected with anyone else. But I gave up on that love. I couldn't. I was heading down a different path. And mum and dad would never have approved."

Hermione crossed her arms. "So you just gave up on her? Do you realize how heart-broken my aunt would have been?"

I know. I'm not proud of it. I was young, scared and a coward. But in a way I did her a favor. I'm sure she found someone much more worthy of her." Regulus's face looked pained as he said this.

Hermione's face contorted. "She passed away a long time ago. I never met her," she said softly.

Regulus grew pale as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I really thought ... But how?"

"My mum said she was ill."

The Marauders and Golden Trio comforted Regulus.

"Hermione, you do have a resemblance to your aunt. Especially her eyes." said Regulus.

"My mum and Aunt Sarah look alike."

"But this still doesn't explain why this Granger girl could enter without the charm being removed." Narcissa crinkled her nose.

"Maybe Hermione's parents could shed some light on this. Why don't Regulus, Hermione and I pay them a visit?" Sirius suggested.


Andrew and Diana Granger were flustered and pale as they were questioned by Hermione, Regulus, and Sirius. Both husband and wife had their lips pressed together and arms crossed while their eyes were unwilling to look at either of the their three visitors.

"Look, please at least tell us what you know for the sake of your daughter who deserves to know the truth." Sirius prompted.

"Andrew, maybe we should tell them the truth," said Diana.

"But Di ...."

"I think Hermione deserves the truth".

Her husband took a deep breath before begrudgingly resigning to her request. "Alright".

Sarah hesitantly said "Hermione was born to Sarah and Regulus."

Regulus didn't know how to react to this. He instinctively found both his palms on his forehead as his stomach began to do a range of things he couldn't comprehend. As he drew shallow rapid breaths, he looked at Sirius whose eyes were wide and mouth was open in a gasp. He was afraid to look at Hermione, but chanced a look at her. She looked like she had lost her ability to move. He wanted to put his hand on her and ask if she was alright, but stopped himself.

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