Chapter 8

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Hey so sorry for the late update!

Harry watched James and Sirius as they were having a friendly duel. He was seated in the safety zone with Remus. They were a little rusty from not having used a wand in nearly 12 years, but nevertheless, Harry couldn't help but be awed by their spells and tactics. He made a mental note to learn some of the spells which he considered cool.

"Sirius can quite ruthless in a duel," said Remus.

"But he usually goes easier on his friends, so you'll have your father back in one piece," said Remus at Harry's slightly worried look.

The duel ended and both men walked towards Harry and Remus.

"Either one of you dare take on me just yet?" asked Remus with a tone of mock self-importance.

"No Remus, we wouldn't dare take on you. Not even together. You'd wipe us out in a second," said James, pretending to clutch his chest in fright.

Sirius sniggered as Remus playfully held out his tongue at them.

"Alright, let's see what you've got young man," Remus said to Harry.

Harry showed an impressive disarming charm by disarming Remus.

"Harry, this time I'm going to put up a fight and attempt to cast a spell on you and you have to attempt to disarm me before I do," said Remus.

Remus and Harry raised their wands. Harry was a split-second too late. Remus had cast a jelly-leg jinx on him before he managed to disarm Remus. Remus removed the jinx. At the third try, Harry managed to disarm Remus in time, and for cheek, he cast a jelly-leg jinx back on Remus. James and Sirius grinned.

"Sorry Uncle Remus, but everything's fair in war isn't it?" Harry said cheekily as he removed the jinx from Remus.

"I see you inherited your father's playfulness," said Remus who was also grinning.

Harry managed to disarm James and Sirius after a few tries as well. But it was relatively easy since each man was merely attempting a jelly-leg jinx and neither had any intention of harming him. Harry was eager to learn more defense spells.

"In our first year, Hermione used a body-binding charm on Neville. Petrificus totalus, I think. I always wanted to try that spell," said Harry.

"Why didn't you ever try it?" asked Sirius.

"I'm not as good as Hermione. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it," said Harry.

"Harry, don't underestimate yourself. I mean ... It's not good to be overconfident like I used to be either, but you need at least a certain amount of confidence if you want to achieve anything," said James.

"Your father's right Harry. You need to believe in yourself. Otherwise, even the simplest things would seem impossible," said Sirius.

"And you have had quite an achievement of escaping Voldemort twice in your first and second year," Remus pointed out.

"But, I just got lucky and had help both times," said Harry.

The Marauders exchanged looks. James walked towards Harry, and fondly put his hand on Harry's cheek.

"I'm proud of you, son. Not just because of your achievements, but for showing the modesty and humility that I didn't possess when I was your age," said James.

"Give that Petrificus Totalus a try Harry," said Remus.

"You can try it on me," said James. "A full circular swish and a forceful flick,"

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