Chapter 7

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James who had written to his cousin Luke in the United States received a reply from him.

Dear James,

I hope you and Harry are doing well. Your letter came as a shock to me. I am really glad that you're still alive. I can't believe everything that Dumbledore has done. He deserves the legal action you are taking against him. Danielle had just given birth to Byron when we heard the news of Voldemort's attack. I did ask for Harry's custody but Dumbledore told me he was perfectly safe at Dursleys and that it was essential for him to live with his mother's blood due to the blood protection he received from his Lily's sacrifice. He assured me that Harry was fine every time I wrote to him. He said it was in Harry's best interest to not know about my existence as he would not understand why he had to live with the Dursleys instead of with me. I apologize that against my better judgment, I trusted his word.

My family and I are actually planning on moving back to London. I had just sent a letter to Dumbledore two weeks ago, requesting a transfer to Hogwarts for Abby. Dumbledore had just agreed to accept Abby as a transfer student after his truth came out. Byron will be starting his first year in the fall. Abby has grown into a fine young lady. She's quite intelligent and delightful.

I wish I could see you and Harry right away, but my family and I would only be able to make it to London a few days before the school term starts. I will let you know the exact date soon. Send my love and regards to Harry, Sirius and Remus. Danielle sends her love too. I can't wait to see you all.



James finished reading his cousin's letter and was glad that Luke was moving back. Luke's comment about Abby tugged at his heartstrings. Abby was actually his daughter and Harry's twin sister. Danielle and Lily had given birth on the same day but Danielle's baby girl was still-born. Lily had given birth to twins. The healer who handled Danielle's delivery had stated that Danielle was too weak to receive any kind of bad news. The shock would have been fatal to her especially since she had previously suffered 2 miscarriages.

Since Danielle was still unconscious, Lily and he had agreed to give their twin daughter to Luke and Danielle. They knew their little girl would be raised well by Luke and Danielle and it seemed like the right thing to do since Danielle's life depended on it. Everyone was under the impression that Danielle's still-born baby girl was James and Lily's. James, Lily and Luke had agreed that no one would ever know about the baby swap. Aside from the three of them, only the healer was aware of the swap.

The swap was probably for the best as a few weeks later, Harry had been marked by Voldemort and they had to go into hiding while Abby was perfectly safe and out of the country with her adoptive parents. James and Lily had planned on moving out of the country to escape from Voldemort, but he had managed to track them down a few days before their intended departure. James couldn't wait to meet Abby, even if he would only be meeting her as her uncle/ cousin once removed. He informed Harry, Sirius and Remus about their impending arrival and they received the news warmly.


The next morning, Dumbledore was in his office looking over the legal notices that he had received from James Potter and Sirius Black. He had his own proctor, Clance Ridgewald look through both the legal notices. Clance had made in blunt that he was in deep trouble with the law if they pursued the case. He had to find a way to get James and Sirius to withdraw the case before September 12th as the Ministry of Magical Law Enforcement was sending representatives to investigate the case on September 12th.


That afternoon, Remus received an order of appointment to take up the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position at Hogwarts.

"Do you think this is one of his calculated moves to manipulate us?" asked Sirius suspiciously.

"But we could use a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for a change. Lockhart was useless. Quirell may have been alright but there was that one problem of him having Voldemort behind his head" said Harry as the Marauders sniggered in agreement.

"Are you sure it's wise to send Harry back to Hogwarts when Dumbledore would probably have a vendetta against him?" asked Remus.

"Dumbledore won't dare pull anything with Harry as he needs to be on our good side to get us to withdraw the case against him," said Sirius.

"Remus, do you wish to take the job?" asked James.

"I'm not sure. I would enjoy teaching but I'm afraid this is part of Dumbledore's manipulation," said Remus.

"You could keep an eye on Dumbledore and l would be more at peace if you were there to look out for Harry especially with Dumbledore and Snape there," said James.

Remus pondered over this.

"You have a good point. And I would enjoy teaching. I'll consider it," said Remus thoughtfully. 

"Speaking of defense, I wish I could learn more defensive dueling spells," said Harry.

"We could teach you more if you want," said James.

"Really?" said Harry excitedly.

"Let's go to the dueling room and you can show us what you've got Prongslet," said Sirius.

"And you could tell me if I'm any good at teaching," said Remus.

I really wish I could rush through and get to the schooling part but there's just so much to cover before Harry heads off to school. I had hinted at Harry having a twin sister and I really found her character to be essential to my plot. I added her in most logical way I could think of.

I apologize if I'm slacking in the storyline. I will do my best to make the next chapter more interesting. As a forewarning, more twists are coming to the story. 

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