|13|Taymor's Dad|13|

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James McIntyre 🤍Taymor's Dad_________________|Flashback| |Flashback|

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James McIntyre 🤍
Taymor's Dad
|Flashback| |Flashback|

"I'm so sorry. I was at work and couldn't get off. Miss Bobby thank you so much for taking him home with you and for calling me. I don't know where the hell his daddy is!" (From chapter 4)

Back at the factory, James was there looking for a place to hide.
The time was 3 in the afternoon as James drove back to the factory to close up for the day so that he can go get Taymor from school.

James noticed smoke coming from behind the factory where his tiny home was located. He looked up the way and spotted a blue Cadillac Escalade with Florida tags on it. "Eddie!? That bastard!" James said as he slowed down and reached for his sons khaki Dodgers hat from the back and placed it upon his head.

He also reached into the glove compartment and grabbed a blue mask and put it on with one hand as the other gripped the steering to the left, passing the Cadillac that appeared to have two other people in it.

James closed the glove compartment as he looked up watching Eddie smirk as if he had just killed his best drug dealer. That's right. James has a little family secret that few knew.

As he passed the car he picked up speed and reached for his phone to call his sister but changed his mind to call his mom instead. After three rings his mom picked up.

"Hello son, are you on the way to pick up my grandson or are you calling so I can go and get him which I can't do because me and ya dad are out right now grabbing some food; Wassup"

James chuckled, "No Ma, and that's good. Bout time y'all got up off that couch and into the world. I was actually calling to see what you guys were actually doing. I'm about to meet you guys at your location. What place?"

"Don't tell Ma but I gotta disappear for a minute. Eddie didn't like our last conversation so he retaliated and burned my office down with me- well with my gardener in it so he thinks I'm dead. Hopefully he doesn't come after my family." James stated to his Dad as he ignored Tichina's call for the third time as he sat and waited for his food.

"I told your ass he was no good man. Now before your mother come back, take this to this address, ask for Nelson and he'll help you further. Nelson and Eddie used to be cool until he got his wife killed. Nelson has used this tactic for 17 years now. If you ever wanna come back into the real world please just give me a call. I don't want you going to jail for something like this, for everybody's safety, I'll stay alive long enough for ya." James's Dad explained, followed by a chuckle, as he wrote some things down on a napkin.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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