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"Stop running in my fucking house! Go outside or something!" Tichina said as she continued to fold the clothes.

As she placed the folded red towel on the couch she heard the door unlock. She jumped up off the couch and met the person in front of the door. A big ole sigh escaped her lips as she seen that it was Taymor.

"I don't remember telling you to come back"she responded

Taymor sighed and gave her one thousand dollars in cash. "I know you don't want my drug money but take it. I know you needs the help. I just came back to get some stuff too." He replied

She took the cash and stepped out of the door way. She then walked down to the basement and moved the water cooler.

Behind it was a door.

Behind that door is a safe.

In the safe was now ten thousand dollars with the help of Taymor, a gun and some bullets and  a folder full of birth certificates and social security cards.

She closed the door and pushed the cooler back in front of it. "I'm glad this house came with a little hidden door" Tichina whispered as she traced a cross down her face and cross her face and shoulders.

She walked back up the stairs to Nick, Kentrell and Taymor arguing over a pair of shorts. "Ma, tell them that these are my shorts." Taymor yelled

"Those are actually Keisha's shorts. Where did you get them from?" The mom replied

"Out our blue laundry bag" Nick responded

Taymor threw the shorts on the couch and grabbed his suitcase. "WAIT- when you gone come visit again?" Jay asked as he ran down the stairs

"Soon bud" Taymor said as he looked at ma making sure it was okay. Kentrell and Nick went up to him to give him dap as he was on his way out the door.

Jay gave him a hug.

While all this was going on Keisha, Taylor and Dani was walking home from the store.

Taylor was upset and was walking with her head down the whole way threw. As soon as they got close to the house Taymor was just stepping off the porch.

A red mustang came flying down the alley.

In 5




1 ... cue the icarly theme song!

Taylor was not paying attention at all. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't see it.

Keisha and Dani were too excited to see Taymor. Before they could hug him Taylor's instincts kicked in.

He heard the car. But where was it? He questioned

He ran towards Taylor and that's when he seen the car.

He pushed Taylor out the way real hard.

One rib

Two ribs

Maybe four more

"TAYMOR- Y-You YOU HIT HIM! MOM! MA!?" Taylor screamed as she inched towards Taymor's hurt body.

Three siblings

Seven siblings more

All you could hear was foot steps.

Soon as Tichina seen Taymor she screamed!


Was dialed.

The man stepped out of the car and fainted.
Nick went over and checked his pockets.

A white male.

Named James.

It looked like he had money.
Yes indeed!

They all gathered around Taymor as he grunted back to reality. Nick and Kentrell tried to lift him up.

It was not working.

They were making it worse.

1 minute

2 minute

3 minute

7 minutes more

All you could hear was sirens in the background.

They parked backwards in the alley way where the family stood.




They sat in the waiting room until it was 10 at night. Most of that time they was discussing information with the cops.

Money is money.

They all were being strong for Tay.


"Your son is gonna be alright. Just needs bed rest and crutches. Your insurance covers everything. If he has extra pain to anywhere of his body, mainly his stomach or back, we have prescribed him some pain medication. Would that be pills or syrup?" The Doctor stated

"Syrup" Tichina responded

Taymor always has problems with pills. Even at his big age. He might be mad as hell about the taste of the medicine but it's all for his health.

"Can we see him?" Keisha asked

The doctor approved and led them down the long hallway , to the right and in front of a yellow door.

As they rushed in to see him, Tay chuckled. They haven't been together like this in a minute. God know what he was planning.

With this, Taymor can go back home and be surrounded by his family again.

No more lonely nights.

No more one night stands.

No more bad nights.


They talked for an hour before they left his side to go home for bed.

|T E N|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن