Chapter 1

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Greetings. Thanks for clicking on this. Ok, so this will be me talking this will be the 'author' and of course this is the story. Enjoy roasting this cliché story. Onwards with causing myself pain!

Hiiiiiiiiii my peeps, and welcome to my amazing story! I hope you enjoy!!!! Let's get going then!!

I fluttered open my grass-emerald-lichen-green orbs to the sound of my alarm clock and sighed audibly as I obliterated it. Another day of torture at the hell i call school ig.

I slowly rose from my cloud-like bed as the dawn light streamed though my window, illuminating my golden-yellow-hay-coloured hair; making it shine 10x brighter than the sun.

I walked over to my wardrobe, tripping 10000 times on broken pieces of alarm clock on my way there. I opened the doors and gasped. I HAD NOTHING TO WEAR. The humiliation I would suffer at school. My sapphire-ocean-blue-plastic-chair eyes filled with tears at the thought of the Mean Girls™️ bullying me again.

My mom suddenly shouted from downstairs, "Y/N you have -8 minutes to get to school! You're going to be late!" 

She came through the door and saw me on the floor with blood covering my feet and me in tears. "Y/N did you break the alarm clock again?"

"Yes, and I have nothing to wear!!!" I wailed.

"Y/N this is the seventh time this week - and it's Tuesday!" She sighed and helped me off the floor. "Come on, I'll help you get dressed."

Mom looked through my closet and picked out an outfit for me while my feet magically healed and the broken clock pieces vanished bc plot convenience.

When I saw the crop top, jeans and woollen (lamo it corrected to wooden) jumper, I immediately shook my head and picked out my own outfit.

This is it featured below

Doesn't it look gorgeous!!!

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Doesn't it look gorgeous!!!

Then I finally went to school and arrived in my first class just in time for the first bell. Did I mention that it was fancy outfit day?

Sooooo that's the first partttttt. I love Y/N so much, don't you? Anywayssssss join me for the next part soon!!! Oh, there's going to be some drama in the next part so that'll be interesting. Byeeeeeeeeeeee

So that was fun. Bit short but hopefully it was ok. Well, ok enough for Y/N fanfic anyway. I'm not updating until this gets at least two (maybe one if I'm feeling nice) roasts. Bye

Y/N slander coz I canWhere stories live. Discover now