Chapter 4

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So I was going to leave this finished... but I'm doing another part. Thank you KikiDuzArt  for the idea and RemusButALotMoreShit for part of the story (I'm sorry I copied!) and for being awesome in general. On with the story!

Heyyyyy my peeps!!!!! It's been sooooo long since I saw this. But Y/N is back with her fabulous story! Anywayyyyyys there's more dramaaaaa. Remember to vote, share and comment!!!!!!

I wake up and look at myself in the mirror. Gahd im so ugly with my long flowing neon-Donald-Trump-like-orange hair, my bright crystal eyes and 5 millimetre waist. I throw my hair in a messy bun and slip into my hoodie, leggins, and converse. I trudge downstairs to find five boys in my kitchen!!!!

My mother tells me that I'm being sold to Multiple Crossroads. WHAT?! Idek who they are but assume it has something to do with the five men. My blue orbs connect with green. And I immediately swoon.

He's in a leather jacket and jeans but he wasn't  wearing his t-shirt. I was practically drooling over his muscles but then I remembered Will and immediately composed myself.

But this raven-haired, emerald-eyed beauty was just SO fine!

NO, snap outta it. You can't cheat on your own boyfriend! But then. He talked.

"Thank you Miss Y/N for volunteering for becoming our serv-*cough* HOUSE maid. It really means a lot to us."

"Um, excuse me," said my mom, "How much am I selling her for and how much will she get paid?"

"Nothing!" replied a sandy-golden-straw-coloured-blonde haired boy cheerily, "She volunteered after all!"

All the boys then looked at me, as if assessing my abilities. I was just calmly freaking out about how hot they all

"Come on now Y/N," that gorgeous boy who spoke first said. He had such a deep, sexy voice it was hard to resist!!! But Will needed me. Speaking of Will...

"B-b-b-b-but I-I-I-I n-n-n-need t-t-t-t-to i-i-i-inform m-my b-b-b-b-boyfriend f-f-f-f-first!"

They just looked at me in confusion. Did i really stutter that badly?

My mom came to my rescue. "She said she needs to tell her boyfriend about this."

The boys 'ohhhhhhh'ed in unison.

"Well then darling," a new flame-fire-ginger haired one with liquid metal eyes spoke up, "how about we all go and meet you boyfriend yes? We'll take our 50 metre long limo."

We all went outside and got in the midnight-black limo with gold trimmings and drove to Will's house.

"B-b-b-before," i got my stutter under control and cleared my throat, "Before w-we g-go i-i-in, can I know your names?"

The sexy raven-haired boy spoke first. "Cameron."

Then the blonde one. "Tyler."

Then the ginger one. "James. But sweetheart, you can call me babe." He winked at me which set my heart all aflutter.

A new purple-haired one spoke. "Kye."

And then the final one, the most timid and small with strawberry-blonde hair said, "L-Liam."

He was kinda cute.

We then arrived at Will's door. I rushed out of the car and to his doorstep, I was so excited to see him again! I rung the doorbell (why do I always arrive at his house Red-faced and sweaty?) and waited for my soulmate to open the door.

His neon-pink eyes then blinked out at me and I swear I fell in love all over again. He widened the gap in the door and spoke in a deep voice, "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

I took a deep breath.



Gosh darn it.

"I-I c-c-c-came b-b-b-bec-c-cause I-I-I-I-I'm b-b-being s-s-sold t-t-to M-m-multiple c-c-c-crossroads. I-I w-w-wanted t-t-to t-t-tell y-y-you."

"Wait did you say Multiple Crossroads?"


"That's my old band group!"


"Yeah, but I quit a few months ago."

"Yo is that you Will?"

A new voice came, I think it was Kye.

"Hey guys it is!"

The Multiple Crossroads team crowded together in reunion and Will decided to join again. We then all went skipping into the sunset with cupcakes and rainbows and glitter everywhere!!!

The End

Boom. Finished. Hope you enjoyed the cringe descriptions and all the clichés! Can't believe I actually finished a proper book. I caused myself pain writing some of the descriptions to be honest. Also had to remind myself several times to hAVE A NONE EXISTENT PLOT BECAUSE THOSE DO NO EXSIST IN THESE. Anyway, signing off, your supreme leader, That_Dam_Geko.

Y/N slander coz I canWhere stories live. Discover now