Chapter 2

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Welp I got more comments than expected on the last part so this is out a bit quicker :D. Onwards with the slander!

So I saw some comments being rude about Y/N and I was really offended bc she is based off me so you're basically insulting me and like rood so if you could please stap that would be great. We have some drama now so enjoyyyyyyy!!!!

I sat down in my seat, my metre long golden-hazel locks flowing ugly-ly down my back. I saw the Mean Girls™️ say something then laugh in my direction. I tried not to burst into tears right then and there bc that would be embarrassing but they were so mean it was hard not to.

Instead, I looked at Jessibell's flaming red hair (she's my bully if you couldn't tell) and murmured under my breath, "This is my fight song, take back my life so-"

"What are you doing?" A low sexy voice interrupted me. I spun round to see a gorgeous boy with midnight-black-raven-coloured hair and stunning rose-pig-flower-coloured-pink eyes. I was entranced - I had never seen a creature so beautiful.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-what d-d-d-do y-y-y-you m-m-m-m-m-m-mean?"


"I-I - IM SORRY I HAVE TO GO!" I wailed as I ran out the class. He was just too perfect, I couldn't take it. I ran through the corridors and out the fire escape. I was heading to the roof - no one would find me there.

I got to the top of the roof and widened my mouth. "THIS IS MY-"

"Dude wtf." Came that delicious voice again.

I screamed in fright, almost falling off the roof. I thought no one would find me here! I guess I was wrong...

"I-I-I-I-I t-t-t-t-hought n-n-n-no o-o-o-one w-w-w-w-would f-f-f-find m-m-m-me h-h-h-here. H-h-how d-d-d-did y-y-you f-f-f-find m-me?"

"I just followed you, you seemed distressed so I wanted to make sure you were ok."

Handsome and caring - what more could a girl wish for!

"T-t-thank y-y-you."

"Let's start over, my name is Will." (I apologise for any Will's out there)


"Pleasure to meet you darling. I actually have a party at my place tomorrow, do you want to be my plus one?"


"O-o-of c-c-course. B-b-but a-a-are y-y-y-you s-s-s-sure y-you w-w-want m-me? A-after a-a-all, I'm," I sucked my lip, "not like the other girls."

"But babe, that's exactly why I want you."

We then made out on the roof for the rest of the day. No we did not come up for air bc who breathes now anyway? Oh I'm so worried for the party!!!

Oh my gosh did you see the drama right there!!!! I'm just so in love with this Will character, he's soooo dreamyyyyyy *proceeds to day dream about him for 10000000 years* Anyways, remember to like share and comment!!!!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

...ITS CHAPTER 2 WTF. Welp, that means I'm doing it right I guess. Same rules as last time. Still can't believe it's chapter 2. Like seriously I covered a good 5 chapters worth of plot here. Have a good day/night!

Y/N slander coz I canWhere stories live. Discover now