Random stuff that didnt happen but *someone* wanted me to do

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I said I was finished. I thought I was. But then *someone* decided to inspire me to write more.  (curse you and your ideas RemusButALotMoreShit ) Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to that significant annoyance because it's based on their idea. On with the story!

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Sooooo this is like a epilogue chappy written from Will's perspective andddddd there's more dramaaaaaaaa. Remember to vote, share and commentttttttt!

I watched as Cameron and Y/N got closer. I had been stalk- PROTECTING Y/N ever since I rejoined Multiple Crossroads. I silently smouldered as they were about to kiss but then I could take it no longer!!!

"Just what are you two doing?"

They both spun round in horror and I stepped out fabulously from the shadows.

"W-w-w-will! W-w-what a-a-are y-y-y-you d-doing h-h-here"

I ignored my true love's question and instead turned to Cameron.

"Back off Cam. She's mine."

"Dude you broke up with her last week."

"Don't deny what you've done Cameron. I guess there's only one way to settle this."

"Oh yeah? You really wanna go?"


"G-g-g-guys w-w-what a-a-are y-y-you t-t-talking a-a-about?"

"Stay out of this Y/N. It's not safe for you here."

I was shocked at the audacity of Cameron. Talking to my girlfriend? Oh it was on.

"Are you sure you're not too much of a wimp to do this Cam!"

"Right back at you!"

"Alright then!"

At that moment, our skin suddenly shone like diamonds and the other members of Multiple Crossroads and Y/N joined around us in a circle chanting, "Fight, fight, fight!"

I decided to make the first move. I bared my fangs and leaped forward, Cameron doing the same. We clawed and bit each other as we writhed on the ground. Cam suddenly did a complicated move and kicked me backwards, hard. I went flying and hit the ground hard.

Now I was angry.

I wiped some blood from my cheek and went back into the fight.

~timeskip cause I'm bad at fight scenes, you can finish it how you like~

Cameron and I were lying on some hospital beds in A&E. The fight had ended in a draw, but just barely. We both had serious internal bleeding but that was fine - that's where the blood's supposed to be right?

I looked over at Cam. He looked worse than I did. Good. Bc the fight ended in a draw, we both had equal claim to Y/N. No matter, we could fight it out again later. When we had fully healed.

"Yo bro." I called over to Cameron.


"We cool?"


"Fight it out later?"

"You're on bro."

I did it. I did the vampires fighting over Y/N. And I wrote it as Will being the main character. (Sorry it was a bit short)

Because you guys like this book a lot apparently you can inspire more short stories like this one here ————->

Bye ✌️

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