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Pulling up to Eli's driveway, I turn off my car, lock it and head towards the front door.
Knocking on I wait for a response.

"Y/n?!" it's Eli's farther.

"hey Mr Thomas" I say

"what are you doing here? It's been so long" he asks

"i actually just moved here, mum got a new job" I tell him.

"thats great, well come on in, I'll get Eli, Sams here too, I'll get them both" he tells me.

I walk into the house and wait for my best friends to come from Eli's game room, assuming that's where they are.

"what the fuck" i hear

Looking up, I'm face to face with Eli, Sam hasn't even realised I'm here considering her face is buried in her phone.

"uh hi"

Eli runs up to me and jumps on me, making us both crash to the floor laughing.

"what the fuck are you screaming at Eli?" Sam ask, finally looking up from her phone, her eyes snap to us both on the floor.

"Y/N" she shouts. Jumping on the both of us.

"what the hell you doing here man?" Eli asks

"well..." I begin to explain the whole situation to them, how I've moved here for my mums new job ect ect.

"so what ur staying here now? like actually staying?" Sam asks

honestly i can't blame her for being sceptical, as I said, we move a lot.

"you know how Ma is, she says we're staying but we just move again" i sigh
"but I'm here now!! so let's cut the sappy shit" I say

"So are you coming to school here too?" Eli asks

"Yeh actually, I start tomorrow"

"enough school talk, it's making me depressed" Sam said

Eventually me Sam and Eli head into his game room. We just catch each other up on what's being going on and smoked a lil.

Eventually we realised the time. 11:45pm. Knowing we all have school tomorrow we all decided to go home, well me and Sam and Eli was already home obviously.

Saying are goodbyes to one another, we told each other we would meet in the morning before school.

look what i posted (in conversations)

it's only youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang