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Ariana's pov

thank god school is over for today. i honestly don't think I can listen to Vic talk about her lil crush on Eli.

Honestly it's so annoying, it's always 'oh my god did u see Eli today?' or 'do you think Eli would be interested in me' or 'are you sure you Eli and Sam are just friends'

I mean, is he attractive? yes
Is he sweet? yes
Is he my type? hell no.

Here's the thing about Eli, he's a decent guy when he doesn't want to get in your pants. He's a huge player though. I heard once he slept with 3 girls... IN ONE DAY.

I mean, not to judge but what the fuck. How doesn't he have some kind of STI.

Anyways not my problem. Back to vic.

'I'm serious Ari, he winked at me!' again as usual she's talking about Eli.

'no way' i sarcastically say

'ugh girl, im trying to tell you I think he likes me' vic says

'vic no offence but you know what he's like, he's probably just trying to get in your pants'

'Gee thanks' she says

just as I was about to say something Eli and Sam start screaming outta no where.

'Dude what the fuck, is it just me or does that look like the Starbucks right by my house' Eli shouts

'There's no way, y/ns in London you idiot, why would she be here?' Sams asks

hm i wonder who y/n is... maybe some girl he's fucking

'No no, check her new instagram post' he tells Sam

'Eli it's a Starbucks!! They all look the same' she rolls her eyes at him.

'who the fuck is y/n' vic whispers to me, clearly jealous of this mystery girl Eli seems so excited about.

'Maybe it's his friend' I shrug, trying to not get my best friend upset.

'and don't forget, Eli doesn't date. so whoever this y/n chick is, I doubt it's anything serious'

'ur right' vic tells me.

Skip to end of the school day

Gathering my stuff from my locker, I head towards the school parking lot knowing Vic and Court will be waiting for me.

Before you judge me, I have my own car, but my mom took away my car keys for 3 months because I went to a party on a Thursday or 'school day' as my mom called it.

'Took ur damn time' Courtney, my other bestfriend says rolling her eyes.

'sorry! I had to stay back a little with Mr. C, apparently my paper I wrote on Shakespeare wasn't good enough. So now I have to redo it' i sigh

'Man Mr.C is a dick' both my friends say

'Honestly' I reply.

We all get into the car and start are journey home.

Vic drops me off first, her and Courtney have a paper due in 2 days and they haven't even started yet

'bye i love y'all' I say.

they say bye and they love me 2 and I go into my home.

'I'm home!' I shout



normally my mom or brother are home. maybe they had things to do.
however i know for a fact my Nona is always home. The fuck?

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