chapter 3

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Y/n stood in the crowd of people cheering for the coach of the football team as she waited for her boyfriend.

While doing so, she cheered on Sandy who was struggling to do a cartwheel in her long skirt.

Y/n felt arms wrap around her waist and lips meet her neck.
"Guess who."
she turned around passionately kissing Leo when they were knocked around by their screaming class mates.
She broke the contact between her lips and Leo's. She turned around seeing her friends in pink calling her over.
"See you later" y/n said smirking giving her boyfriend one final kiss and jogging over.

Rizzo linked arms with yn as Marty explained their plan and sandy told Frenchy how she messed up during her cheer routine.

"You know if we fix up this car it could be make out city you know that?" Danny said as the girls walked round some cars.

"Right the chick is gonna have to put out before she even gets in!" doody let's out a breathy laugh.

"Hey zuko, I got a surprise for ya" Rizzo said wide eyed.

"Oh yeah"

"Yeah. Haha" y/n joined in.

"Sandy?" Zuko's face dropped from the attitude

"Danny?" Sandy exclaimed with a grin.

"What are you...what are you doing her. I-I thought you were going back to Australia!"

"We had a change of plans" sandy added with a smile still plastered on ler face.

"I can't-" danny looked around as he put on this bad boy attitude when he noticed the boys behind him,"haha that's cool baby you know how it is rocking n roling and what not"

"Danny?" sandy asked confused by this sudden change

"That's my name dont wear it out"

"What's the matter with you?" Sandy asked genuinely concerned.

"What's the matter with me? Baby, what's the matter with you?"

"What happened to the Danny zuko I met at the beach?" hoping tears wouldn't fall down her face.

"Well I do not know ehh mabey theres two of us right why dont you take out a missing person add or try the yellow pages I dont know" he laughed.

"Your a fake and a phoney and I wish I never layed eyes on you" sandy shouted throwing her red and white pompoms at Danny's feet.

'Wooh' was heard from the T-birds behind danny.

"I wonder if she carries silver bullets" Putzie asked
"Yeah" Doody whispered.

"So she layed eyes on you Hey zuko" Kenickie said

"Yeah I bet that's not all she's layed on"

'We got a car remember '
'Come on Danny '
Could be heard as the girls walked away.
"Yeah I swiped my brothers ID" doody said while shoving Sandy's pompoms into the rusty old car.

"He was so nice to me this summer" sandy cried into someone's car.

"Listen sandy men are rats
Listen to me they're fleas on rats" Frenchy tried to calm her down.

"They are even too low for the dogs to bite" y/n said lighting her cigarette.

"The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy,You know what you need?"


"A night out with the girls
We're having a sleepover at my house tonight wanna come?"
Sandy nods.

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