chapter 12

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Authors note: I am so sorry for not updating earlier but I have been putting off this chapter for as long as I can. Why? I have no idea I guess I'm just lazy. I hope you enjoy.

Kenickie and leo walked up to each other with cigarette in their hands.
I couldn't care less for their pointless comments towards each other.

"Good cuz were racing for pinks." Pinks? Like as in pink ladies or?...

"Pinks?" danny asked clearly he was as confused as the rest of us.

"Pinks you punk! pink slips, ownership papers " Leo spat out to the questioning boy that was about to punch him until he was held back.

"Dont worry about it I'll take care of it" kenickie spoke trying to calm Danny down.

Cha cha gave Leo some sort of good luck locket from her cleavage it seemed odd when Leo grabbed the back of cha cha's head and smashed his lips against hers.

"What did she give him " Frenchy asked behind the car with the other girls excluding sandy and Rizzo.

"A lock of hair from her chest" marty was annoyed at the girl as I walked over to them.

"Poor kenickie" jan seemed glum. Then she saw something shiny from below her. "See a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good luck." She recited.

"Give me that. Here kenickie I bought you a little something for good luck" Marty had a smile on her face as she held the penny as if it had some sort of disease.

She had dropped the penny while trying to give it to kenickie. "Oh I'm sorry."

"Don't worry I'll get it" I watched him pull up his trousers to bend down for the penny. Putzie opened the car door and it got kenickie over the head. He fell back with his necklace draped over his face.

Everyone crowded around him with a worried look. I put his head onto my lap lightly tapping his face to wake him up.

"Zuko hes out cold" Putzie whined.

Kenickie looked up from his place on the ground. His eyes met mine and then Danny's. "What?"

"You ok?" Danny asked.

"Oh yeah" nickie still looked out if it so I  played with his hair hoping it would calm him down.

"You cant drive" I said.

"No really I'm alright I'm just seeing two of you" he put up 2 finders at danny. The boys agreed for danny to drive grease lightning and nickie should just watch.

"Alright. Come on let's help him up" we dragged him onto the slope so the others and I could sit with him.

Danny slid into the car as sandy walked halfway down the concrete slop and sat holding her knees.

"Hey rules are there ain't no rules it's to the second bridge and first to get back wins" leo shouted from his car.

I continued to play with nickie's hair while he threw pebbles at the racing cars.

They started their cars and moved at ridiculous speed going up the slopes and jumping over patches. When Danny got back everyone cheered as Leo sat in his car in shock. The T-birds started to sing 'hes a jolly good fellow' and everyone joined in.

Frenchy noticed sandy sitting on the slope and ran up to her. I hugged kenickie In celebration and Sonny suggested going to frosty palace.

"Attention seniors, before the merriment of commencement commences I hope that your years with us at Rydale high have prepared you for the challenges you face. Who knows among you there may be a future eleanor rosabell or a rose mary Clooney and among you young men there may be a Joe demashio or a president Eisenhower or a vice president Nixon but always you will have the glorious memories of Rydale high and Rydale forever bon voyage,"

We all ran out of the school doors knowing that was the last time of doing so as seniors in high school. I grabbed kenickie's hand and directed him to the metal stairs

741 words

Authors note: I know this is a short chapter but like I said I'm lazy. Obviously this story is coming to an end and it is a surreal struggle to write chapters so it might be a while before I write another story or even finish this one. Please give me some suggestions for new stories. Have a nice Easter :)

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