chapter 13

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I ran down the metal stairs and bleachers to see a sign with 'Rydall carnival' on it and different rides to try.

I could see ms blanch struggle with the candy floss. "How many?" She asked the girl in front.

"One," Marty raised her finger looking confused about it.

"How did I flunk phys ed, Did I even take phys ed?" kenickie was over with the other T-birds complaning about their scores.

I joined Rizzo on the ferris wheel just as it was about to leave. We watched the booths while keeping chatter between us.

"Hey riz look" I pointed to the stand that held pies and teachers with their faces through some holes.
Then Doody shoved a pie right into eugene's face.

As the ride came to an end we could hear kenickie shouting to us from below. "Hey Rizzo!"

"Forget it it was a false alarm" she spoke without kenickie hearing.

" she's not pregnant!" I shouted at him overjoyed.

We jumped off the ride as riz ran over to the girls and I to nick.

"So what now?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

I thoughtabout it for a few seconds as I leaned into him for support. "I don't know but I want you to come over at some point. Meet my dad as himself rather than the coach." He smirked at me.

"I'd like that. Hey um... would you wanna you know be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah" i spoke as He placed his lips apon mine for awhile before leading us over to the gang. We could see danny in a letter man jacket clearly putting in low effort to get sandy.

Nickie had his arm slung around my shoulder smoking a cigarette listening to the boys pointless conversation. He leaned down to my ear and whispered,
"I know its a lot to ask but.... would you like to move in with me?"

I looked up to him in surprise at this question.
"Yes." I simply replied smiling.

Putzie saw something in the distance, so did Doody who then hit Sonny and Danny.

The girls had walked over with sandy and her new look. The leather trousers, black top and perked hair look was really going for her and it seemed to catch Danny's eye. I suppose that was the desired affect.

"Sandy?" Danny asked with excitement.

"Tell me about it stud." Danny fell to the floor as Sandy looked back to the pink ladies confused with the cigarette.

Danny and sandy ran into the haunted house to do whatever they were doing probably making out or something and came back out happy as ever hanging around the rides with each other.

"Oh look the gangs all together" Frenchy looked around.

"Well what are we gonna do after graduation?" Marty brought up jumping from Sonny's arms.

"Yeah, maybe we'll never see each other again." Jan continued.

"Nah that will never happen" danny replied while kenickie leaning down to kiss me.

"How do you know?" I asked pushing him away to look at Danny.

"What do you mean how do I know?"  danny said defensively pushing Sonny onto the game that uses a hammer as he was previously mimicking the boy.

After all that we just ran around on the grass trying all the rides with our friends and over all just having a good time. Pattyran around giving out our year books. I flipped through the pages to find an interesting view.

 I flipped through the pages to find an interesting view

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(Ignore the writing in the columns. I took it from an actual yearbook to make it more authentic. I'm terrible at editing so that's the best ur gonna get)

"Hey guys. Theres a page about us." Everyone crowded around me to read the page.

"I guess patty and eugene weren't that bad after all..." jan said questioning her views on the pair. For a moment everyone paused.

"Nahhhh..." we all said in union.

741 words

Authors note: well that's it for the story although I might make an epilogue. I'll see how I feel abt it. I'm sorry that this is also a short chapter and I can imagine that it makes sense to you because it doesn't make sense to me. Now that this story is coming to an end I have started to think of another story to write and a different technique to write it so it wont be as bad as this story. Hope you enjoy your day bye. :)

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