chapter 14 epilogue

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Authors note: I'm really excited to write this chapter as it will be the last. I'm so grateful for this book as I have checked a few minutes ago and the story has reached 1.01k views. I'm glad to have used this technique of writing as now I know that it is not the one for me. Anyways... let's get onto the story.

I woke up to the sun beaming through the blinds. I closed my eyes again hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. I turned around to he man behind me he layed completely naked out. I lifted kenickie's arm from my waist and move myself out of bed.

I had moved into kenickie's RV a few years ago, well, what felt like a few years ago. It was 9 years ago. just after high school. After a couple of years with him we had our own child and realised the RV wasn't a great place for her to grow up. We named her after sandy as she was our daughter's god mother. After awhile sandy and I became distant not because we wanted to but we just never had time to chat.

A lot of us did loose touch and a few stayed together. The last I heard, marty had become an estate agent and Sonny became a plumer. They married, had kids and ran off to another state.

Frenchy and I stay in touch but that is mainly because she does my hair at the local salon. She tells me about Doody becoming a mechanic and hoping soon to go on a cruise with him.

I hadn't heard of the others at all after high school but I hope they did something interesting with their lives.

I changed into my outfit and walked over to Sandy's room. I knocked on the door and opened it slightly.

"Hey honey, do you want to help me out with breakfast?" I knew she was awake but she always stayed in bed after she had awoke.

"Sorry mum I have homework." she replied with a muffled tone due to her head being on her bed sheets.

"Alright just ask if you need help" I closed the door to her room and walked down the stairs.

It was a large house. Bigger than anything I was used to. But it meant that we had extra rooms for other uses like guest rooms, but most importantly, I had a designing room. Oh did I forget to mention? I'm now one of the leading designers for the fashion company Halston. It was a fun job but incredibly exhausting.

I began to lay out different cereals onto the table for the two to come down and eat when they felt like it. I put on the toaster and left the room as it was.

I moved into the design room as I needed to complete my project due for next week.

After a few hours i could hear heavy footsteps from the hall and knew who it was. He would start every morning the same. Come into see me, eat breakfast and leave for work all done with time spare to flirt with me.

"Morning darling." He groggily greeted me with a kiss on the forehead. He only ever wore a silk dress robe in the morning as he felt far less freeing in anything else. You can imagine the scare some people get when he gets the news paper from the porch.

"How are you?" He asked pulling up a chair to my work bench that I had been cutting fabric apon.

"I'm fine. Are you going into the office today?" I asked smiling back at him. He worked as a stockbroker so you can understand how we could afford a house like this coming from two fairly poor families.

"No I'm taking the day off, so I can spend time with my family." He walked off into the kitchen after rubbing my shoulder in comfort.

A few more hours passed and I had finished my project. I left it on the mannequin in the room and walked into the living room.

I saw kenickie reading the paper with sandy snuggled up next to him on the couch. I sat down with them as I could see loony toons on the tv.

"Nickie I told you to not smoke around her." I told him taking the cigarette held between his lips and put it out. I had to give it up while I was pregnant with sandy but as I was off it for so long, I lost the need for them and gave cigarette up entirely.

"Yeah whatever," he put down the newspaper and wrapped his arm around me. I could hear faint snoring from the other side of kenickie and turned off the tv so sandy could have a nap.

"You know, I was thinking and what about we give sandy a sibling. She's 7 now and she will grow up lonely without one." Nickie whispered to me.

"Alright well. Let's get her into bed and we'll see what happens." After I had mentioned this, he was fast to lift up the tired girl next to him and tucked her into bed.

I had been waiting back in the bedroom getting dressed into one of nickie's t-shirts and ready for him.

He snuck into the room, closing the door with a smirk. "So how about that offer?"

"Come here." He jumped onto the bed and kissed me holding ke to the bed almost pinning me down.

You can imagine where this goes next.....

Authors note: so the story is finally finished. Tje idea I had for my next story was going to involve the series 'all of us are dead' or 'squid game' idl for some reason I have been watching alot of k dramas recently lol. But it might be awhile before I even start it and I will have to make the chapters with slower updates. O hope you somewhat enjoyed this story, even if it didn't make sense in any way but atleast I know for next time.

I just want to give a shout out to the creator @GOXDIE- as the story 'charlie mamba' gave me a few ideas for the story like the RV and Leo. Bye for now :)

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