Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Now I'd been to Inferi in the past, on missions.

So I knew all the alleys, all the hiding spots, the best place to avoid the authorities, and so on and so forth. I didn't know about any shops or what they sold or whatever. Never bought anything a day in my life, unless you counted the point system at the compound.

I think I was just expecting a cloudy rainy day in Inferi with a bunch of stuck up rich kids.

Instead, I got a sunny rainy day in Inferi, because apparently the weather couldn't make up her fucking mind, with music playing everywhere from hundreds and hundreds of little shops scattered everywhere from buildings to kiosks to a dude just selling stuff on top of a cardboard box. Languages of all kinds buzzed around me until they blended together and I could hardly tell them apart. Dishes clattered in restaurants, kids ran by screaming with delight, people chatting away on cell phones. The smell of hot oil frying foods, the ocean, and rain filled the air.

And, of course, the spoiled rich kids.

"Do you have to dress up like a douchebag wherever you go?" I asked Three, who was munching on some strange phallic looking treat on a stick. He cut me a dry stare. Three was already pretty good looking, but he just looked douchey in his new rich kid get-up. A fancy nice blazer jacket over top of a hoodie printed entirely with the words demonic fashion and a pair of snug black jeans that led to his boots that clicked when he walked. Of course, you can't forget the big shiny watch on his wrist, even though this fucker had a phone in his other hand for taking pictures.

"Hey, I spent the whole of my life wearing fucking uniforms," Three told me with a scoff, making me roll my eyes, "I'm gonna wear whatever the fuck I want. It's not my fault you're used to dressing like a psych ward patient."

"What's a psych ward?" I asked. Three blinked, then cocked his head with a frown.

"A place for crazy people," he said after a moment, making me scowl.

"I'm not crazy," I responded, which made Three choke on a laugh, but luckily the laugh was cut short by his stupid ass inhaling a piece of whatever dick cheese he was munching on. I turned away from him as he thumped his chest to see Six looking down at a pamphlet that talked about the monument we were currently hanging out under.

"It's called the Inferian Needle," Six said as he looked up from the pamphlet to stare at the huge black structure over our heads, "Apparently it took a whole century to build." I scowled, looking up at the inside of it before coming out one of the archways on the bottom so I was once again getting sprinkled on by the rain.

"It's not that big," I muttered, but Six shook his head.

"No, it was a civil war that held up the process. I had no idea Inferi had a civil war," he murmured, then looked at Three curiously as he came over to stand by him while clearing his throat. I shook my head at them, then looked over where Hadrian was hiding under the Needle, punching some things into his phone. Every so often, he'd smile faintly or cover his mouth like he was going to laugh. It was so weird to see him smiling so much since he had as many facial expressions as a brick wall, but he did manage to look super hot doing whatever the fuck he did. His skin was always flawless and shiny and I'm pretty sure the dude zapped his pores out of existence, and what the hell did he use on his hair to make it so shiny and long? And, of course, his outfit was very Hadarian-esque, with a sleeveless turtleneck top with diamonds glittering around the neckline, a long black skirt that was pleated down to his ankles, and finishing it off was a pair of rubber boots.

Gods, he was fucking weird.

He was apparently contacting what he called the Cousins. It sounded badass, but don't be fooled; it was nothing more than a gaggle of Hades spawn that hung out together from time to time. Apparently they were all big Hades fans too, so that meant I had to deal with people fawning over Hades again like he was the best thing since toaster strudels. Please. Clearly none of these people had been locked in his gaudy palace for a whole fucking year.

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