Lies of a pink toad

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A gentle ray of sunlight shone through the bedroom window, hitting the bed at an angle. Under the covers, Astraea slept sprawled out with her mouth slightly apart. Her night was dreamless and peaceful- this hadn't happened for a while.

Unfortunately, her sleep was disturbed by the chime of the small clock on the bedside table. "Suki, go fire at that bloody pigeon," Astraea mumbled still half asleep. Suki however was in deep sleep, her legs and tail were twitching which meant she was dreaming. "Stupid bird," she said slightly louder but it was still disoriented. Stirring more, she placed a hand on her forehead and shouted," Fuck off! You bloody pigeon!" A wave of energy came off of her and hit the clock which somehow turned it off. This woke both the little dragon and the messy haired girl up with a startled look.

Slightly dazed, Astraea looked around and remembered the events of yesterday. "That was probably the best sleep I've had in years!" She exclaimed looking down at a sleepy Suki.

"Arrw," Suki grumbled as she attempted to fall back asleep. Rolling her eyes, Astraea pushed Suki off the bed to wake her up fully- she succeeded.

"Come on you need to get up, breakfast is in about 40 minutes so..." Astraea explained to Suki who was giving her a death glare from the floor. "Please, there will be plenty of food for you," she reasoned as a sweet smile spread across her face. After giving in, Suki stood up and walked into the living room area.
"Thank you!" She called out towards the door to receive a loud snort in response.

Slowly, Astraea stepped out of bed and stretched her back. She had slept in a black hoodie with her old white underwear underneath. As she walked towards the bathroom, she realised that she needed a shower.

"Umm where did I put my towel?" Astraea muttered to herself as she walked back towards her wardrobe. After checking all the drawers and shelves, she still couldn't find it. "Suki! You seen my towel?" She shouted but got no response. Curious, she walked into the living room to see Suki sleeping on a white towel which was folded neatly in a wooden box. "Hem!" Astraea coughed loudly causing the little dragon to wake with a start. "Oh sorry but I need this," she apologised in a sarcastic tone.

Once she grabbed the towel, she went and took a quick shower. After brushing her wet hair, she dried it with a simple charm. It was easiest to brush it when it was wet as when it was dry it was too knotty. Her black tight curls now had volume and stopped about midway down her back. As she played with her hair, the green streak in her hair seemed to become more prominent. Astraea remembered when she got the strange part of her hair. It was a few years ago when she first showed signs of her unique powers and ever since she could never remove it. No hair dye, charms or simply cutting it out (which just caused it grow back even faster than the rest of her hair) could remove it.

After brushing her teeth, Astraea walked out the bathroom and got changed. She decided to wear a black buttoned up shirt which she left a few buttons undone because it felt too uncomfortable otherwise, her cuffed jeans and her leather jacket as it was slightly nippy that day. Since Astraea had runaway, clothes and style weren't a massive deal to her. As long as it was practical, warm in winter/ cool in summer, and easy to steal. Most of her clothes were stolen as the ones she originally ran away with were now too small. However, some she has had for years for example her leather jacket, her cloak, and a long shirt she had borrowed from an old friend.

After having one last look in the mirror, Astraea called out," Suki, you ready? It's time to go," as she walked through the living room towards the door.

"Reep," Chirped the little dragon who was now much more awake. Eagerly, the two of them walked down to the great hall for breakfast. Both now had rumbling stomachs so they wanted breakfast soon.

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