l'inspection du crapaud

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Astraea's pov

Not long after breakfast had started, the owls had started to arrive. A shower of letters and parcels had began to fall over the students. A brown owl dropped a newspaper next to McGonagall which she began to read.

"Anything interesting apart from Voldy?" Astraea smirked as she glanced at the Daliy Prophet in the lady's hands.

"Yes, unfortunately," McGonagall handed the newspaper open on a page. In bold lettering, the newspaper said,

"Dolores Umbridge from the 8th of September will be assigned the high inquisitor of Hogwarts by the Minister of magic Cornelius Fudge..."

"Why that bloody little fuc-" Astraea muttered before an idea entered her head. "Do you desperately want this particular page or can I rip it out?"

"Um I don't particularly mind? Why do you-" McGonagall questioned the curly haired girl.

"Thanks!" Astraea interrupted as she began to carefully tear the page out. Grinning, she tapped Suki on her back causing the small dragon to turn around. To instruct her, Astraea mouthed a few words to which Suki seemed to understand. McGonagall sat, confused, staring at the pair with her brows furrowed. Suddenly, Suki let out a roar of blue flames at the paper. Obviously, it caught fire and a plume of smoke went into the air.

Pleased with herself, Astraea turned her head down the table towards Umbridge. A fake smile was plastered across her face before going back to her food. As she turned back around, Astraea realised that many of the students had noticed what had happened and were laughing. A broad smile broke out, as she stroked Suki's head. A happy thought crossed her mind...

Today is gonna be so much fun for me. And a miserable day for her. What a shame!


Harry's pov

Harry (luckily) only had one lesson before lunch which was inspected by Umbridge. However, it was divination which was one of his worst subjects.

Both him and Ron were just getting their dream diaries out when toad-face entered through the trapdoor. The classroom had fell silent and Harry glanced over to Ron with a worried look.

"Good morning,  professor Trelawney," she greeted with a perky tone," I expect that you had found my note about the date and time of your inspection?" Trelawney nodded sheepishly, not saying a word to Umbridge. She quickly handed out the rest of the dream oracle books and sat down at her usual desk.
Unnervingly, Umbridge sat on a tall stool right behind the professor's chair. Occasionally, she would peer over Trelawney's shoulder.

"Today, we shall be continuing the study of prophetic dreams," she announced in her usual mystic voice though a slight shakiness could be heard. "Divide into your pairs and begin to discover your futures!" Trelawney smiled as she began to walk around the room. Umbridge stalked in between the tables like a vulture circling for its next meal.

Hastily, Harry turned to Ron and whispered," quick think of something incase Umbridge comes our way!"

"What- no I thought of something last time it's your turn!" Ron whisper-shouted back.

"Ugh I haven't got nothing!" Harry groaned as he looked around the room for any idea. As he looked around the room, two students were playing Rock Paper Scissors. "Ok, how about this," Harry said grinning," I was playing Rock Paper Scissors with..." And he wondered about what else to say when he saw a painting on the wall. "With a dragon! In the forest and it lost and killed me by burning me with green flames!" Harry laughed, happy with himself.

"Yeah that will work! She loves it when you die," Ron joked causing the two to chuckle.

"Right then," Harry opened the oracle and flicked through the pages," I need to add the date of which I had the dream to my age. And then add the number of letters of the subject." He read out loud. "What's the subject? The dragon, the game, the forest or me dying?" Harry looked to Ron who just shrugged his shoulders.

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