Chapter four

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You woke up to the sounds of soft snores.

That's weird, you thought.

You rubbed your eyes and stretched and saw three other beds in the room.

Wtf, you thought. Am I still in Bachira's dorm? Who's bed am I even sleeping on?

You sat up slowly and yawned. Nagi and isagi were still in the dorm sleeping on Bachira's bed and the three of them were tangled up in one another.

Hearing soft snores come from your right, you turned around and found a sleeping Rin next to you.

You felt a little freaked out but didn't say anything in case you woke him up.

Have I been sleeping here the whole time? You thought. When did I even fall asleep here?

You looked closer at Rin's face and noticed how long his under eyelashes were.

I didn't even realise that his eyelashes were so long, you thought. His eyes are so pretty, like a girl's.

Just then, he opened his eyes and saw your face inches from his.

"OH FUCK" Rin jumped, and as a result he fell off the bed.

You couldn't stop yourself from laughing and it woke up the others in the dorm.

"What's going on?" Isagi yawned and stretched.

Rin glared at you.

" You motherfucking-"

"Sorry, I just happened to notice how pretty your eyes were. They look really nice up close." You laughed.

He sighed and combed through his hair with his fingers.

"Just DONT do that again." He yawned and climbed back up onto the bed.

You laughed and petted his head.

He glared at you.

"We still have 2 hours till we have to go for training." He muffled into his pillow. "You can stay here if you want even though I'd prefer you leave."

"Oh okay." You said surprised and sat down cross-legged.

You looked over to Rin and slowly reached out a hand and played with his hair.

Surprisingly, Rin didn't complain or swat your hand away from his head since he seemed like the type to.

His hair is surprisingly soft, you thought, as you lay down on your stomach, running your fingers through his teal hair.

"What are you guys now, a couple?"

You turned to see Bachira grinning at you.

"No, we're not."

"Well the two of you look like one." He gave you a teasing look.

You rolled your eyes and clapped over Bachira's mouth.

"Rin's sleeping. Shush." You pointed at Rin.

"I'm hungry. Let's grab some breakfast, Isagi." Bachira turned to the boy.

"Sure, let's go." He nodded and both of them left the dorm.

"I'll come too, lemme wake Nagi up. We can't leave him behind." You said, looking at the white haired boy who was hugging a pillow.

You sighed.

"Nagiiiii, wake up. It's time to eat."

No answer.

You started nudging him, and he buried his face into his pillow.

"I'm tired..." He mumbled into his pillow.

You reached out a hand and pulled him by the leg.

"Goddamn it...why are you so heavy?" You grunted and heaved his body off the bed. "Stop being lazy, isagi and Bachira are waiting for us."

Nagi wrapped his arms around your leg and curled around your legs.

"I want a piggyback." He yawned sleepily.

"I'm not your slave who's going to carry you everywhere, Nagi. Either go to breakfast now or I'll confiscate your phone. " You glared at him sternly.

Nagi reluctantly stood up slowly. You grabbed his ginormous hand and marched him out of the dorm.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain 16 year old, teal haired boy was glaring at the both of you with intense jealousy.

Rin got up immediately and ran out of the the dorm.

"Wait y/n." Rin called, jogging towards you.

"Oh, Rin. Good morning sleepyhead. " You ruffled his hair. "Sorry i scared you earlier." You smiled at him sheepishly.

"It's ok. " Rin mumbled.

"Do you need something?"

"Can I...sit with you during breakfast?" Rin asked, looking at you nervously.

"Of course, if you want we can eat together everyday." You smiled at him.

Rin blushed and turned his head away from you.

Did he just blush? You thought.

After helping you getting Nagi to the cafeteria, Rin and you sat down opposite Isagi and Bachira.

"Let's all have meals together everyday!" Bachira grinned, his mouth full of food.

You nodded and smiled at them.

Rin looked at your smiling face, and a small smile forming on his lips.

(Sorry if this chapter is pretty shitty, I was half asleep writing this 🥱)

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