Chapter seventeen

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The day of the match finally arrived.

You had a blue lock jacket on and were sitting at the field two seats away from your uncle, scrolling through your phone.

Ugh, this is boring. You thought, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ego said, not looking up from his tablet.

"The boy's locker room." You walked off before your uncle could say anything else.

You walked into the room and at that moment, Bachira practically jumped on you.

"Y/NNNN! ARE YOU EXCITED? CAUSE IM SO EXCITED!" He squealed in excitement as he squeezed you in a hug.

"Yup, I can't wait to see y'all win." You grinned at them and then gave Bachira a high five.

"And what if we do?" Isagi beamed.

"Well...I'll get you all strawberry shortcakes!" You declared, and the room erupted into cheers.

"Don't worry, I'll get you two." You whispered to Rin and winked.

He rolled his eyes.

"HEY, I want two too! I'm your second favourite right?" Bachira looked at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Wellllll, all of you are my second favourite. But Rin's my first." You jumped onto him and gave him a hug from behind.

Rin just patted you on the head and smiled.

"Really, you're the only one who can make him smile." Isagi whispered to you, as the two of you watched Bachira dance over to Rin, a look of annoyance showing on his face. "Even Bachira cant make him smile."

"Guess I'm special." You shrugged and Isagi rolled his eyes.

"Get out you idiot." Your uncle's towering figure appeared behind you.

He grabbed you by the back of the jacket and threw you out of the room, making you land on your butt.

Rude, you thought, as you dusted yourself off.

You walked back to the field and saw anri standing at the seats holding an iPad and you waved to her.

"Hi y/n." She smiled warmly at you.

"Hey Anri, what are you looking at?" You peered at the screen.

"Just info about our team." She scrolled through the pages. "I hope we win the match."

"Of course we will! Y'all worked so hard for this, except maybe Nagi, but I'm sure we'll win the match."

"I like your positivity." Anri winked at you.

After chatting a little more with her, you decided to walk around the building to cool yourself down.

"It's fine y/n, they got this. They've trained the hardest. Except maybe Nagi. Anyway he's a genius. He'll survive. BE POSITIVE." You gripped your head.

You were so busy trying to calm down that you bump straight into someone.

"Oh sor-"

A pair of teal eyes stared at you and you tilted your head.

"Did you dye your hair in the ten minutes I was gone?" You stared at his reddish brown hair that was brushed back in the front, with two locks of hair hanging at the side of his face.

He squinted at you weirdly.

"No, and I've never ever seen you before." His piercing teal eyes scanned your face. "Who are you?"

"Wait...are you perhaps Rin's bro??? Sae Itoshi?"

"What brother."

"Bruh, how can you forget you have a brother. And I know you're his brother. You have the same eyes." You huffed at him. "Plus, your being pretty rude to him, forgetting about your brother."

"I used to have a brother. I left him in my weak past. Now he's nothing to me." He turned around to meet someone staring at him with wide eyes.

"Nii-Chan..." Rin's eyes grew bigger.

Sae ignored him, and then turned around to walk past you.

"So that's your brother huh." You stared after the walking figure. "I can kinda see the similarities."


"The eyes, cold personality. You guys are literally THE Itoshis."

Rin rolled his eyes.

"The match starts in 30 minutes."

"Well," You held his head in your hands. "I believe that you guys are gonna win. And you better make sure you guys win. Got it?"

He nodded and you kissed him on the forehead.

"Now go prepare so you can show your brother who's boss."

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